Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
/* Definition Modules */
<<include DefinePlayer>>
<<include Allies>>
<<include Villains>>
<<include CombatItems>>
<<include Time>>
<<include ClothesStuff>>
<<include PassiveEncounters>>
/* Game Flow and Setting Variables */
<<set $browser={
detectmob: function() {
if( navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows Phone/i)
return true;
else {
return false;
<<set $c = 0,$c2 = 0,$ach = 0,$achName = "">>
<<set $state1 = 0,$state2 = 0>>
<<set $action = "">>
<<set $g={}>>
<<set $HomeReaction to false>>
<<set $JLAReaction to false>>
<<set $pDir to "pics">>
<<set $ShowPlayerPortrait to true>>
<<set $ShowImages to false>>
<<set $ShowWeather to true>>
<<set $MobileMode to false>>
/* Combat Variables */
<<set $bossDefeated = 0>>
<<set $poisoned = 0>>
<<set $level2 = 0>>
<<set $level3 = 0>>
<<set $level4 = 0>>
<<set $level5 = 0>>
/* Event Variables */
<<set $event={
unlocked: false,
chance: 50,
cd: 0,
trigger: function () {
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
if ((x <= this.chance && this.unlocked) && == 0) {
return true;
<<set $HomeEvents=[6]>>
<<set $JLAEvents=[3]>>
<<set $NightEvents=[0]>>
<<set $DreamEvents=[0,1,2,3]>>
<<set $GothamEvents=[0,2]>>
<<set $ConvoCD to 0>>
<<set $HomeConvoPool=["Allison","Debbie"]>>
<<set $ArenaConvoPool=["Batgirl","Diana","Supergirl"]>>
<<set $HomeEventsCD=[]>>
<<set $JLAEventsCD=[]>>
<<set $NightEventsCD=[]>>
<<set $DreamEventsCD=[]>>
<<set $GothamEventsCD=[]>>
<<set $RandomEventCD to 1>>
<<set $eventchance to 0>>
<<unset _i>>
<<for _i=0;_i<50;_i++>>
<<set $JLAEventsCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $GothamEventsCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $NightEventsCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $DreamEventsCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $HomeEventsCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $DebbieConvoCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $AllisonConvoCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $BatgirlConvoCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $CirceConvoCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $NateConvoCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<set $SupergirlConvoCD[_i] to (-1)>>
<<unset _i>>
<<set $NightEventsCD[0] to 0>>
<<set $Dream = []>>
<<set $DreamNotes = []>>
<<set $AllisonNotes = []>>
<<set $DebbieNotes = []>>
<<set $BatgirlNotes = []>>
<<set $DianaNotes = []>>
<<set $CirceNotes = []>>
<<set $NateNotes = []>>
<<set $SupergirlNotes = []>>
<<set $HaileyNotes = []>>
<<set $HawkgirlNotes = []>>
<<set $RavenNotes = []>>
<<set $LinNotes = []>>
<<set $game = {
release: "Alpha",
version: 17.01,
Version: "0.1701",
chapter: 0,
gameover: false,
devmode: false,
devEventID: 0,
usePics: true,
showBar: false,
<<set $totalPoints to 5>>
config.saves.version =;
Config.saves.autosave = "autosave";
<<set $ = $time.getDay($time.cDay)>>
<<set $time.time = $time.getTime($time.cTime)>>
$game.release $game.Version
<<if $game.showBar>>\
$, $time.month $time.calendarDay
<<if $ShowImages and $ShowWeather>>\
<<if $time.isMorning()>>\
<<img "bg" "bg_morning">>\
<<elseif $time.isNoon()>>\
<<img "bg" "bg_midday">>\
<<elseif $time.isAfternoon()>>\
<<img "bg" "bg_afternoon">>\
<<elseif $time.isEvening()>>\
<<img "bg" "bg_evening">>\
<<elseif $time.isNight()>>\
<<img "bg" "bg_night">>\
Money: <<num $ "$" "">>
''$ $player.surname''
<<printStats $player>>
[[Quest Log|QuestLog]]
<<if $ShowImages>>\
Show time and background images: \
<<if $ShowWeather>>\
@@.gain;On@@ - \
<<link "Off">>
<<set $ShowWeather to false>>
<<link "On">>
<<set $ShowWeather to true>>
<</link>> - @@.loss;Off@@
// JavaScript source code
<<widget "img">>
<<if $ShowImages>>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<if $args[1]>>
<<set _a = $args[1]>>
<<set _img = "pics/" + _p + "/" + _a>>
<<if $args[2]>>
<<set _m = $args[2]>>
<<set _img = _img + _m + ".jpg">>
<<set _img = _img + ".jpg">>
<<set _img = "pics/" + _p +"/default.jpg">>
<<widget "png">>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<if $args[1]>>
<<set _a = $args[1]>>
<<set _img = "pics/" + _p + "/" + _a>>
<<if $args[2]>>
<<set _m = $args[2]>>
<<set _img = _img + _m + ".png">>
<<set _img = _img + ".png">>
<<set _img = "pics/" + _p +"/default.png">>
<<widget "gif">>
<<if $ShowImages>>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<set _a = $args[1]>>
<<set _img = "pics/" + _p + "/" + _a>>
<<if $args[2]>>
<<set _m = $args[2]>>
<<set _img = _img + _m + ".gif">>
<<set _img = _img + ".gif">>
<<widget "watch">>
<<if $ShowImages>>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<set _a = $args[1]>>
<<set _img = "pics/" + _p + "/" + _a>>
<<if $args[2]>>
<<set _m = $args[2]>>
<<set _img = _img + _m + ".gif">>
<<set _img = _img + ".gif">>
<div id="watch"
<img class="layer0" [img[_img]]>
<img class="layer0" src="pics/watch/bg.png">
<<widget "webm">>
<<if $ShowImages>>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<set _a = $args[1]>>
<<set _img = "pics/" + _p + "/" + _a>>
<<if $args[2]>>
<<set _m = $args[2]>>
<<set _img = _img + _m + ".webm">>
<<set _img = _img + ".webm">>
<<widget "action">>
<<if $ShowImages>>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<set _p = $args[0]>>
<<set _a = $args[1]>>
<<set _img = "pics/" + _p + "/action/" + _a>>
<<if $args[2]>>
<<set _m = $args[2]>>
<<set _img = _img + _m + ".gif">>
<<set _img = _img + ".gif">>
<<widget "Pro">>
<<set _profilePic to "pics/profile/"+$args[0]+".jpg">>
<<if $ShowImages>>
<<if $ShowPlayerPortrait>>
<<if $game.usePics and $args[0] is $player.portrait>>
<<if $args[0] is not $player.portrait>>;[img[_profilePic]]@@
<<widget "Thought">>
<blockquote><<= '@@.thought;\noO($args[0])\n@@'>></blockquote>
<<widget "nm">>
<<if $args[2] is 1>>
<<= '@@.thought;\n<<Pro $args[0].portrait>>$args[0].name - (Internal)<hr>\n$args[1]\n@@'>>
<<elseif $args[2]>>
<<= '@@.' + $args[0].style + ';\n<<Pro $args[0].portrait>>$args[0].name<hr>\n<<Thought $args[2]>>$args[1]\n@@'>>
<<= '@@.' + $args[0].style + ';\n<<Pro $args[0].portrait>>$args[0].name<hr>\n$args[1]\n@@'>>
<<widget "GetDay">>
<<switch $time.dayCount>>
<<case 1 21 31>>
<<set $time.calendarDay = $time.dayCount + "st">>
<<case 2 22>>
<<set $time.calendarDay = $time.dayCount + "nd">>
<<case 3 23>>
<<set $time.calendarDay = $time.dayCount + "rd">>
<<set $time.calendarDay = $time.dayCount + "th">>
<<widget "Note">>
<<set _d = $time.calendarDay>>
<<set _m = $time.month>>
<<set _t = $time.time>>
<<set _wd = $>>
<<set _msg = _m + " " + _d + " - " + _wd + ", " + _t + " - " + $args[1]>>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Allison" "allison">>
<<set $AllisonNotes.push(_msg)>>
<<case "Debbie" "debbie">>
<<set $DebbieNotes.push(_msg)>>
<<case "Batgirl" "batgirl">>
<<set $BatgirlNotes.push(_msg)>>
<<case "Diana" "diana">>
<<set $DianaNotes.push(_msg)>>
<<case "Lin" "lin">>
<<set $LinNotes.push(_msg)>>
<<case "Nate" "nate">>
<<set $NateNotes.push(_msg)>>
<<case "Hailey" "hailey">>
<<set $HaileyNotes.push(_msg)>>
<<case "Circe" "circe">>
<<set $CirceNotes.push(_msg)>>
<<widget "NewDream">>
<<set $DreamNotes.push($args[1])>>
<<set $Dream.push($args[0])>>
<<widget "DrawBar">>
<<set _bar = "">>
<<set _max = Math.floor($args[0] / 5)>>
<<for _i=0; _i < _max; _i++>>
<<set _bar += "█">>
<<widget "DrawStam">>
<<set _bar = "">>
<<set _max = $player.staminaMax>>
<<for _i=0; _i < _max; _i++>>
<<if $player.stamina > _i>>
<<if _i is 8>><br><</if>>
<<widget "updatebar">>
<<replace "#story-caption">>
<<display "StoryCaption">>
<<widget "low">>
<<set _x = $args[0].toLowerCase()>>
<<widget "num">>
<<print $args[1]+setup.formatNumber($args[0])+$args[2]>>
<<widget "lust">>
<<if not $args[2]>>
<<set $args[0].lust += $args[1]>>
<<if $args[1] > 0>>
<<elseif $args[1] < 0>>
<<if $args[1] > 0>>
<<if $args[0].lust >= $args[2]>>
<<set $args[0].lust += $args[1]>>
<<elseif $args[1] < 0>>
<<set $args[0].lust += $args[1]>>
<<widget "cor">>
<<if not $args[2]>>
<<set $args[0].corrupt += $args[1]>>
<<if $args[1] > 0>>
<<elseif $args[1] < 0>>
<<if $args[1] > 0>>
<<if $args[0].corrupt >= $args[2]>>
<<set $args[0].corrupt += $args[1]>>
<<elseif $args[1] < 0>>
<<set $args[0].corrupt += $args[1]>>
<<widget "love">>
<<if not $args[2]>>
<<set $args[0].love += $args[1]>>
<<if $args[1] > 0>>
<<elseif $args[1] < 0>>
<<if $args[1] > 0>>
<<if $args[0].love >= $args[2]>>
<<set $args[0].love += $args[1]>>
<<elseif $args[1] < 0>>
<<set $args[0].love += $args[1]>>
<<widget "cont">>
<<set _p to passage(), _c to $args[0]>>
<<='• [[Continue...|'+_p+'][$c=_c]]'>>
<<widget "days">>
<<if $args[0] is 1>>
a day
$args[0] days
<<widget "all_Love">>
<<set $ += $args[0]>>
<<set $ += $args[0]>>
<<set $ += $args[0]>>
<<set $ += $args[0]>>
<<set $ += $args[0]>>
<<set $ += $args[0]>>
<<set $ += $args[0]>>
<<set $ += $args[0]>>
<<set $ += $args[0]>>
<<widget "all_Lust">>
<<set $allison.lust += $args[0]>>
<<set $debbie.lust += $args[0]>>
<<set $batgirl.lust += $args[0]>>
<<set $nate.lust += $args[0]>>
<<set $diana.lust += $args[0]>>
<<set $hailey.lust += $args[0]>>
<<set $circe.lust += $args[0]>>
<<set $lin.lust += $args[0]>>
<<set $supergirl.lust += $args[0]>>
<<widget "dom">>
<<if $args[1] >= 10 or $args[1] <= (-10)>>
<<set _domR to "significantly">>
<<elseif $args[1] >= 5 or $args[1] <= (-5)>>
<<set _domR to "somewhat">>
<<set _domR to "slightly">>
<<if $args[0].name is $>>
<<if $args[1] > 0>>
<<set $args[0].dom += $args[1]>>
<<set $args[0].dom += $args[1]>>
<<if $args[1] > 0>>
<<set $args[0].dom += $args[1]>>
<<set $args[0].dom += $args[1]>>
<<if not $args[0].domReveal>>
<<set $args[0].domReveal to true>><br>
<<widget "UnlockAllClothing">>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clHead.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clHead[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clNeck.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clNeck[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clTop.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clTop[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clBottom.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clBottom[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clUnderwear.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clUnderwear[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clBra.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clBra[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clSocks.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clSocks[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clShoes.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clShoes[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clAccf.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clAccf[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<<for _clu = 0; _clu < $clAccb.length; _clu++>>
<<set $clAccb[_clu].unlocked to true>>
<</widget>><<if $wTop == 7>>
<<set $wTop = 3>>
<<set $wBottom = 1>>
<<if not $time.isNight() or not $time.isTuesday() or not $time.isThursday()>>
<<set $eventchance = random(1,5)>>
<<if $eventchance eq 1 and not $time.isNight()>> /% Start $event %/
<<include HomeEvents>>
<<if ($debbie.convoCD is 0 or $allison.convoCD is 0) and (random(1,100) > 100) and not $time.isNight() and $ConvoCD is 0>>\
<<if random(1,2) is 1>>\
<<if $allison.convoCD is 0>>\
<<set $allison.convoCD += 1, $ConvoCD += 1>>\
''You run into $ and stop to chat.''
<<png "allison" "smile">>\
• [[Go back|Home]]
<<set $debbie.convoCD += 1, $ConvoCD += 1>>\
''You run into $ and stop to chat.''
<<png "debbie" "smile">>\
• [[Go back|Home]]
<<if $debbie.convoCD is 0>>\
<<set $debbie.convoCD += 1, $ConvoCD += 1>>\
''You run into $ and stop to chat.''
<<png "debbie" "smile">>\
• [[Go back|Home]]
<<set $allison.convoCD += 1, $ConvoCD += 1>>\
''You run into $ and stop to chat.''
<<png "allison" "smile">>\
• [[Go back|Home]]
<<if $time.isMorning() and $time.isThursday()>>
Time to go to my internship at LexChem...
[[Head to LexChem|Lexchem]]
<<elseif $time.isMorning() and $time.isTuesday()>>
[[Head to LexChem|Lexchem]]
<<elseif $time.isSeptember(1) and not $time.isMorning()>>\
<<set $c=1>><<include HomeOptions>>
<<elseif $time.check("September",3,"Morning")>>\
• [[It's time to interview at LexChem|LexchemFirst][$time.passTime(2)]]
<<elseif $time.check("September",1,"Morning")>>\
• [[It's timeto head to the Warehouse|Circe's Lab][$time.passTime(2)]]
<<elseif $time.check("September",2,"Morning")>>
<span id="event2">
Your phone starts buzzing incessantly in your pocket.
<<click "Answer the phone">>
<<replace "#event2">>
You pull out the phone and are shocked to see Hailey's face staring back at you.
<<nm $hailey "Hello $, we need to see you in our location downtown. It's important so please come quickly.">>
The screen then goes back to it's normal homescreen.
<<Thought "This is crazy, how were they able to get into my phone? I better go see what they want.">>
<<set $player.flag.labonce to true>>
<<set $player.flag.homesec to true>>
• [[Continue|Home][$time.passTime(1)]]
<<include HomeOptions>>
Your room is located on the 2nd floor. It's the smallest of the three bedrooms in this condo in Gotham. It's pretty sparse consisting of a bed and a closet<<if $>>and a computer<</if>>.
''It's currently @@$, $time.time@@.''
<<if $>>\
• [[Access Computer|Computer]]
<<switch $time.time>>\
<<case "Morning">>\
• [[Leave your room|Home]]
• [[View your Wardrobe|Closet]]
<<case "Late Morning">>\
• [[Take a nap|Room-Nap]]
• [[Leave your room|Home]]
<<Thought "Everyone is probably up and about by now, I should get moving.">>
• [[Leave your room|Home]]
<<case "Noon">>\
• [[Take a nap|Room-Nap]]
• [[Leave your room|Home]]
<<case "Early Afternoon">>\
• [[Take a nap|Room-Nap]]
• [[Leave your room|Home]]
<<case "Afternoon">>\
<<if not $time.isSeptember(1)>>\
• [[Take a nap|Room-Nap]]
• [[Leave your room|Home]]
<<case "Evening">>\
• [[Leave your room|Home]]
<<case "Night">>\
• [[Go to sleep|Room-GotoBed]]
• [[Leave your room|Home]]
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<DebbieRoom "out">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<DebbieRoom "work">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<DebbieRoom "work">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<DebbieRoom "out">>
<<case "Night">>
<<DebbieRoom "sleep">>
<<if not $time.isWeekend()>>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<KitchenEvents "AllisonBreakfast">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Night">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<KitchenEvents "AllisonDebbieBreakfast">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<case "Night">>
<<KitchenEvents "empty">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<LivingRoom "empty">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<LivingRoom "empty">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<LivingRoom "DebbieMovie">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<LivingRoom "AllisonTV">>
<<case "Night">>
<<LivingRoom "empty">>
''Your body is exhausted from the strain of the days events and you climb into bed.''
<<if $NightEventOR>>\
<<set $c to $NightEventOR>>\
<<set $c = $NightEvents.random()>>\
<<if $c is 0>>\
<<include "Room-Sleep">>\
<<include "Night-Events">>
<<set _nap = random(0,1)>>\
<<switch _nap>>\
<<case 0>>\
''You have a nice nap, sleeping soundly for a couple of hours before rolling out of bed.''
• [[Get out of bed|Room][$time.passTime(1)]]
<<case 1>>\
''You have a nice nap, sleeping soundly for a couple of hours before rolling out of bed.''
@@.gain;Your hit points are fully restored!@@
<<set $player.HP to $player.HPMax>>\
• [[Get out of bed|Room][$time.passTime(1)]]
<<set $clTop[7].equipped to true>>
<<if $player.jlafirst>>
You enter the hallowed halls of the Justice League. Passing through the biometric security scanner you enter the inner hallway and then ponder where to go next.
<<print $event.unlocked>>
<<set $eventchance = random(1,10)>>
<<if not $time.isNight()>>
<<if $eventchance eq 1>>
<<include JLAEvents>>
<<include JLARooms>>
<<include JLARooms>>
You tentatively enter the Justice League and walk up to the secretary and announce yourself. She smiles at you and motions toward the door to your right.
The door opens and you walk through. Batgirl is there to greet you.
<<nm $batgirl "Sweetie! You finally made it. So glad you're here, everyone is dying to meet you!.">>
You see a small throng of superheroines walk towards you, interestingly you can't spot any male heroes anywhere.
<<png "batgirl" "jlawelcome">>
<<nm $player "So it just seems to be the women here today...?">>
<<nm $batgirl "Yes, well, unless you don't count yourself as a man? Haha, just kidding honey. Superman is off to some other planet, and Batman is in Paris for some reason. But this just means you have us all to yourself!">>
<<nm $diana "Batgirl, what are you prattling on about? Oh great, your recruit is here I see.">>
<<nm $player "Hi Wonder Woman, I'm a big fan..">>
Wonder Woman quickly cuts you off.
<<nm $diana "We're not looking for a fan club, we need team mates to pick up the slack. Crime and corruption are on the rise and we need real heroes to fill in the gaps. Got it?">>
"Wonder Woman doesn't wait for your response, she just walks away."
<<nm $batgirl "Yeah don't worry about her, she's a little touchy lately. Bad break up I think. Anyway..come meet the rest of the crew. This is Raven, Supergirl, and Power Girl.">>
You exchange pleasantries for a few and then Batgirl takes you on a quick tour.
<<nm $batgirl "First of, this is the Arena. You'll be spending the majority of your time here honing your skills with one of us. In fact, if you're able to beat me in the Arena on your first try I might give you a special treat! But if you lose....">>
<<Thought "Beat Batgirl? Can I? I wonder what my prize would be...">>
<<set $bgarenafight to "Active">>
<<nm $batgirl "Here's the meeting room, it's well...for meetings. It has a great viewscreen so sometimes we watch TV in here too.">>
<<nm $batgirl "Here's our lab, Raven has taken over most of the space working on some experiment. If you find out what's behind that locked door let me know!">>
<<nm $batgirl "Here are the bathrooms. There was an...incident here a month ago and it's been almost impossible to get contractors in here to get the men's bathroom fixed, so right now the men and women are sharing this one.">>
<<nm $batgirl "Down there is the entrance to the brig, when we need to secure some real baddie. Lately the corruption has gotten so bad we can't trust the police force to keep the prisoner's secure.">>
<<nm $player "Wow all this is really cool Batgirl!">>
<<nm $batgirl "I know right? Well now that we have your biometrics you're officially a prospect! I'm sure you'll do fine. We spar at noon, swing by then!">>
<<levelStat $player 'jla' 1 75>>
@@.cor;You're officially now a Justice League Prospect!@@
<<set $player.jlafirst to true>>
[[Walk back Home|Home][$time.passTime(2)]]
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<AllisonsRoom "out">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<AllisonsRoom "out">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<AllisonsRoom "work">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<AllisonsRoom "work">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<AllisonsRoom "work">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<AllisonsRoom "out">>
<<case "Night">>
<<AllisonsRoom "grope">>
<<switch $c>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<if not $time.isWeekend() and not $time.isSeptember(1) and $time.isTuesday() or $time.isThursday()>>\
<<if $time.isMorning()>>\
[[Go to LexCorp|LexChem]]
<<if $time.isMorning()>>
<img src="pics/map/housemap1.png" usemap="#image-map">
<<elseif $time.isNoon()>>
<img src="pics/map/housemap2.png" usemap="#image-map">
<<elseif $time.isAfternoon()>>
<img src="pics/map/housemap3.png" usemap="#image-map">
<<elseif $time.isEvening()>>
<img src="pics/map/housemap4.png" usemap="#image-map">
<<elseif $time.isNight()>>
<img src="pics/map/housemap5.png" usemap="#image-map">
<map name="image-map">
<area target="" alt="Living Room" title="Living Room" href="" coords="258,418,424,511" shape="rect" data-passage="Living Room">
<area target="" alt="To Gotham" title="To Gotham" href="" coords="98,408,216,564" shape="0" data-passage="Gotham City">
<area target="" alt="Allison's Room" title="Allison's Room" href="" coords="481,338,617,520,764,360,876,519" shape="0" data-passage="Allisons Room">
<area target="" alt="Debbie's Room" title="Debbie's Room" href="" coords="766,367,873,518" shape="0" data-passage="Debbie Room">
<area target="" alt="Your Room" title="Your Room" href="" coords="481,71,662,242,175,71,422,259" shape="0" data-passage="Room">
<area target="" alt="Kitchen" title="Kitchen" href="" coords="173,78,419,263" shape="0" data-passage="Kitchen">
<<if $time.isEvening()>>\
<<Thought "I still have some time to swing by downtown for shopping or a patrol.....">>\
<</switch>>\<<widget "SetPronouns">>
<<if $args[0] is "male">>
<<set $pbud="buddy">>
<<set $pBud="Buddy">>
<<set $pgender="male">>
<<set $pGender="Male">>
<<set $pman="man">>
<<set $pMan="Man">>
<<set $pmen="men">>
<<set $pMen="Men">>
<<set $phe = "he">>
<<set $pHe = "He">>
<<set $phis = "his">>
<<set $pHis = "His">>
<<set $phim = "him">>
<<set $pHim = "Him">>
<<set $pMr = "Mr.">>
<<set $psir = "sir">>
<<set $pSir = "Sir">>
<<set $pguy = "guy">>
<<set $pGuy = "Guy">>
<<set $pboy = "boy">>
<<set $pBoy = "Boy">>
<<set $pbro = "bro">>
<<set $pBro = "Bro">>
<<set $pbrother = "brother">>
<<set $pBrother = "Brother">>
<<set $pson = "son">>
<<set $pSon = "Son">>
<<set $pHard = "Hard">>
<<set $phard = "hard">>
<<set $pMaster = "Master">>
<<set $pmaster = "master">>
<<elseif $args[0] is "female">>
<<set $pbud="babe">>
<<set $pBud="Babe">>
<<set $pgender="female">>
<<set $pGender="Female">>
<<set $pman="woman">>
<<set $pMan="Woman">>
<<set $pmen="women">>
<<set $pMen="Women">>
<<set $phe = "she">>
<<set $pHe = "She">>
<<set $phis = "hers">>
<<set $pHis = "Hers">>
<<set $phim = "her">>
<<set $pHim = "Her">>
<<set $pMr = "Ms.">>
<<set $psir = "ma'am">>
<<set $pSir = "Ma'am">>
<<set $pguy = "girl">>
<<set $pGuy = "Girl">>
<<set $pboy = "girl">>
<<set $pBoy = "Girl">>
<<set $pbro = "sis">>
<<set $pBro = "Sis">>
<<set $pbrother = "sister">>
<<set $pBrother = "Sister">>
<<set $pson = "daughter">>
<<set $pSon = "Daughter">>
<<set $pHard = "Wet">>
<<set $phard = "wet">>
<<set $pMaster = "Mistress">>
<<set $pmaster = "mistress">>
<<widget "GenderCheck">>
<<if $player.isShemale>>
<<set $player.tfSuffix to "Shemale">>
<<set $player.portrait to "Shemale">>
<<set $player.tfSuffix to "">>
<<set $player.portrait to $player.gender>>
<<if $player.isMale>>
<<set $player.gender = "Male">>
<<set $player.hasPenis = true>>
<<set $player.genderType = "male">>
<<set $g.cock = "cock">>
<<set $g.hairLength = "short">>
<<set $g.assPussy = "ass">>
<<elseif $player.isFemale>>
<<set $player.gender = "Female">>
<<set $player.hasPenis = false>>
<<set $player.genderType = "female">>
<<set $g.cock = "pussy">>
<<set $g.hairLength = "long">>
<<set $g.assPussy = "pussy">>
<<widget "male">>$pgender<</widget>>
<<widget "Male">>$pGender<</widget>>
<<widget "buddy">>$pbud<</widget>>
<<widget "Buddy">>$pBud<</widget>>
<<widget "man">>$pman<</widget>>
<<widget "Man">>$pMan<</widget>>
<<widget "men">>$pmen<</widget>>
<<widget "Men">>$pMen<</widget>>
<<widget "he">>$phe<</widget>>
<<widget "He">>$pHe<</widget>>
<<widget "his">>$phis<</widget>>
<<widget "His">>$pHis<</widget>>
<<widget "him">>$phim<</widget>>
<<widget "Him">>$pHim<</widget>>
<<widget "Mr">>$pMr<</widget>>
<<widget "sir">>$psir<</widget>>
<<widget "Sir">>$pSir<</widget>>
<<widget "guy">>$pguy<</widget>>
<<widget "Guy">>$pGuy<</widget>>
<<widget "boy">>$pboy<</widget>>
<<widget "Boy">>$pBoy<</widget>>
<<widget "bro">>$pbro<</widget>>
<<widget "Bro">>$pBro<</widget>>
<<widget "brother">>$pbrother<</widget>>
<<widget "Brother">>$pBrother<</widget>>
<<widget "son">>$pson<</widget>>
<<widget "Son">>$pSon<</widget>>
<<widget "master">>$pmaster<</widget>>
<<widget "Master">>$pMaster<</widget>>
<<widget "hard">>
<<if $player.hasPenis>>
<<widget "Hard">>
<<if $player.hasPenis>>
<<widget "faggot">>
<<if $player.isMale>>
<<widget "Faggot">>
<<if $player.isMale>>
<<widget "sissy">>
<<if $player.isMale>>
<<widget "Sissy">>
<<if $player.isMale>>
<<widget bSize>>
<<if $player.breastSize >= 75>>
@@.ef;large breasts@@
<<elseif $player.breastSize >= 50>>
@@.ef;medium sized breasts@@
<<elseif $player.breastSize >= 25>>
@@.ef;small breasts@@
<<elseif $player.breastSize >= 1>>
@@.ef;tiny breasts@@
<<elseif $player.breastSize is 0>>
@@.ef;flat chest@@
<<widget pSize>>
<<if $player.penisSize >= 75>>
@@.ef;large cock@@
<<elseif $player.penisSize >= 50>>
@@.ef;average sized cock@@
<<elseif $player.penisSize >= 25>>
@@.ef;small cock@@
<<elseif $player.penisSize >= 1>>
@@.ef;boi clitty@@
<<elseif $player.penisSize is 0 or not $player.hasPenis>>
<<widget pDSize>>
<<if $player.penisSize >= 75>>
@@.ef;big cock@@
<<elseif $player.penisSize >= 50>>
<<elseif $player.penisSize >= 25>>
@@.ef;little cock@@
<<elseif $player.penisSize >= 1>>
@@.ef;boi clitty@@
<<elseif $player.penisSize is 0 or not $player.hasPenis>>
<<widget vSize>>
<<if not $player.hasPussy>>
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 75>>
@@.ef;gaping pussy@@
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 50>>
@@.ef;loose pussy@@
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 25>>
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 1>>
@@.ef;tight pussy@@
<<elseif $player.pussySize is 0>>
@@.ef;virgin pussy@@
<<widget vDSize>>
<<if not $player.hasPussy>>
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 75>>
@@.ef;soaking wet pussy@@
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 50>>
@@.ef;eager pussy@@
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 25>>
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 1>>
@@.ef;tight pussy@@
<<widget aSize>>
<<if $player.assSize >= 75>>
@@.ef;gaping asshole@@
<<elseif $player.assSize >= 50>>
@@.ef;loose asshole@@
<<elseif $player.assSize >= 25>>
<<elseif $player.assSize >= 1>>
@@.ef;tight asshole@@
<<elseif $player.assSize is 0>>
@@.ef;virgin asshole@@
<<widget aDSize>>
<<if $player.assSize >= 50>>
@@.ef;eager asshole@@
<<elseif $player.assSize >= 25>>
<<elseif $player.assSize >= 1>>
@@.ef;tight asshole@@
<<widget "ResetGenderReactions">>
<<set $HomeReaction to true>>
<<set $WorkReaction to true>>
<<widget "tfm">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "sub">>
•;You feel more submissive...@@
<<set $player.dom -= 1>>
<<case "dom">>
•;You feel more dominant...@@
<<set $player.dom += 1>>
<<case "fem">>;Your watch vibrates and the face changes:@@
<div id="watch"
<img class="blargh0" src="pics/watch/bg5.png">
<img class="blargh1" src="pics/watch/femalesymbol5.gif">
<img class="blargh0" src="pics/watch/bg5.png">
<<set $player.genderi += 1>>
<<set _femwatch to random(1,2)>>
<<switch _femwatch>>
<<case 1>>
<<Thought "Ugh why is my watch flashing the female icon??">>
<<case 2>>
<<Thought "I'm not sure why my watch is doing that, but I kind of like the pink sparklies...wait what am I thinking??">>
<<case "mas">>;Your watch dings and the face changes:@@
<div id="watch"
<img class="blargh0" src="pics/watch/bg5.png">
<img class="blargh2" src="pics/watch/malesymbol4.gif">
<img class="blargh0" src="pics/watch/bg5.png">
<<set $player.genderi -= 1>>
<<set $c = 0,$c2 = 0>>
<<updatebar>><<widget "NewDay">>
<<run $time.newDay()>>
<<unset $NightEventOR>>
<<set $player.stamina to $player.staminaMax>>
<<if $player.hairLength < $player.hairMax and $player.hairCD is 0>>
<<set $player.hairLength += 1>>
<<set $player.hairCD to -1>>
<<set $player.hairGrow to true>>
<<elseif $player.hairLength < $player.hairMax and $player.hairCD > 0>>
<<set $player.hairCD -= 1>>
<<if $player.hairLength < $player.hairMax and $player.hairCD is -1>>
<<set $player.hairCD to (3 + $player.hairLength)>>
<<set $player.jlabathroom to false>>
<<if $circe.convoCD > 0>>
<<set $circe.convoCD -= 1>>
<<if $diana.convoCD > 0>>
<<set $diana.convoCD -= 1>>
<<if $batgirl.convoCD > 0>>
<<set $batgirl.convoCD -= 1>>
<<if $supergirl.convoCD > 0>>
<<set $supergirl.convoCD -= 1>>
<<if $debbie.convoCD > 0>>
<<set $debbie.convoCD -= 1>>
<<if $allison.convoCD > 0>>
<<set $allison.convoCD -= 1>>
<<if $raven.convoCD > 0>>
<<set $raven.convoCD -= 1>>
<<if $ > 0>>
<<set $ -= 1>>
<<if $player.dayEventCD > 0>>
<<set $player.dayEventCD -= 1>>
<<switch $player.gender>>
<<case "Male">>
<<set $player.daysMale++>>
<<case "Female">>
<<set $player.daysFemale++>>
<<case "Sissy">>
<<set $player.daysSissy++>>
<</widget>><<widget "Dreams">>\
<<if $time.check("September",1,0)>>\
''Thoughts of Circe's breasts cloud your dreams.''
<<img "circe" "breasts">>
<<if $time.check("September",3,0)>>
<<if $time.check("September",4,0)>>
<<set $JLAEvents.push(0)>>
<<set $JLAEvents.push(1)>>
<<if $time.check("September",5,0)>>\
<<set $GothamEvents.push(5)>>
<<include DreamEvents>>
<</widget>>\<<switch $c>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<gif "tutorial" "trinity1">>\
Hello $, I want to welcome you as a new student to Haven College. I'm Trinity, your computerized personal assistant.@@\
''Far from your traditional Desktop you are used to, you're startled to find an attractive cybernetic female staring back at you from your computer screen.''
<<nm $player "Uhh..wait, is this some sort of video greeting?">>\
I can understand from your Aunt's that your image of The Order is middle aged ladies sitting around stirring pots of glop for nefarious purposes. Which...well, isn't so far from the truth, but! The Order has embraced technology and has made huge advancements in combining technology with the mystic arts. And that's where I come in.@@\
<<nm $player "So you're artifical intelligence and you're my dedicated helper?">>\
Let's not get too self centered my dear. One new student is hardly worth me dedicating all my compute power too. There are several of us that assist multiple students. I'm here to get you up to speed on the history, answer any questions you may have, and ensure your psychological profile remains in optimal parameters.@@\
<<nm $player "That last part sounds kind of ominous..but I guess I have a lot to learn so this could be useful. What should I call you?">>\
<<nm $trinity "My designation is Trinity. Now, i was hoping you and I could spend a little time going through the background so you're not lost just jumping into things....">>\
''You think about it for a moment...''
• [[Okay, knowledge is always useful|Tutorial][$c=1]]
• [[I'm pretty sure I have a good handle on this...|Tutorial][$c=2]] - @@Skip the tutorial@@
<<case 1>>\
''Your days at Haven will begin in your homestay which is managed by Ms. Cummings. Your homestay is a safe space for you and other neophite witches to begin to form a community. During the week you are expected to go to class. As an adult you may be tempted to blow off class and spend time in town, this is not recommended and will likely earn you demerits and eventually expulsion.''
''As a quick refresher, your powers are inherited as part of the Dark Bargain that was made centuries ago. The first witches were given the gift of magic by powers from the Mystic Realms to protect them from the suffering inflicted upon them from unjust men. Your bloodline can be traced back to one or more of the four Outcast Celestials, also coloquialy known as Demons, who gave their essense to the first witches as part of the Dark Bargain. The Celestials seek the outright destruction of the Outcast and the witches existance prevent that from occuring. How isn't important right now, but if you're interested, the more you study the more you will learn.''
''There are different groups within The Order who have different views on witchcraft and also different alegiances depending on bloodline. Not everything is absolute however, and the advancement of technology, and it's integration with magic has caused additional factions with those who want to remain more traditional taking one view, and those who want to speed up the use of technology with magic taking a different stance.''
Classes typically take place from Late Morning until Afternoon. Some special events are held in the evening and the night. Labs are open from Early Morning until the Evening. It's highly recommended you keep current on class work. Excessive skipping of classes will earn you demerits.
Magic powers are typically a combination of three things, the power of your Outcast blood, your wand which is hewn wood from a tree in the Mystic Realms, and the reagents which are consumed by the spell. Besides casting a spell for immediate effect, potions may also be brewed using reagents while enchanting the liquid with your wand.
''**The Town**''
Haven College is located in the Village of Haven, a quaint and sleepy town. While the College itself is comprised of witches and those learning the craft, the town itself is mostly made up of the Mundane - humans who lack outcast blood or not enough to be able to summon magical powers. While there are residents of the town who are aware of witchcraft, spellcasting in town is expressly forbidden and will likely get you punished and/or get the attention from those who aren't fond of The Order.
''**Mystic Realms**''
Magic originates from the Mystic Realms. In the distant past there were many portals connecting our two worlds. Many have been lost to history as the powerful wizards and ancient Fae who used to maintain such portal are long gone. While the magical denziens of the Realms may at times pass into the Mundane world it's extremely rare. A boon to witches is that not only do they maintain the few known portals that remain, they can pass through to the Mystic Realms to harvest reagents for their spells.
• [[That should get you started|Tutorial][$c=2]]
<<case 2>>\
<<img "tutorial" "trinity" 2>>\
<<nm $trinity "If you have questions in the future, feel free to contact me on your computer.">>\
<<nm $player "Thanks Trinity!">>\
<<nm $trinity "My pleasure $ and welcome to Haven College">>\
• [[Unwrap the Books|Start][$c=14]]
<<if $ == "Bruce" and $player.surname == "Joker">>
<<set $game.devmode to true>>
<<if $ShowImages and $ShowWeather>>
<<if $time.isMorning()>>
<<addclass "body" "bg_morning">>
<<elseif $time.isNoon()>>
<<addclass "body" "bg_midday">>
<<elseif $time.isAfternoon()>>
<<addclass "body" "bg_afternoon">>
<<elseif $time.isEvening()>>
<<addclass "body" "bg_evening">>
<<elseif $time.isNight()>>
<<addclass "body" "bg_night">>
<<if $time.month is "January" and $time.dayCount is 32>>
<<set $time.month to "February", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "February" and $time.dayCount is 29>>
<<set $time.month to "March", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "March" and $time.dayCount is 32>>
<<set $time.month to "April", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "April" and $time.dayCount is 31>>
<<set $time.month to "May", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "May" and $time.dayCount is 32>>
<<set $time.month to "June", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "June" and $time.dayCount is 31>>
<<set $time.month to "July", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "July" and $time.dayCount is 32>>
<<set $time.month to "August", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "August" and $time.dayCount is 32>>
<<set $time.month to "September", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "September" and $time.dayCount is 31>>
<<set $time.month to "October", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "October" and $time.dayCount is 32>>
<<set $time.month to "November", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "November" and $time.dayCount is 31>>
<<set $time.month to "December", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<<elseif $time.month is "December" and $time.dayCount is 32>>
<<set $time.month to "January", $time.dayCount to 1>>
<</if>><<if not $player.met.trinity>>
<<video "trinityh1">>
<<nm $trinity "Hello $ I am your personal assistant. My designation is Trinity. I've been programmed to protect you from electronic threats and also make recommendations to assist with your health and well being.">>
<<nm $player "Health and well being?">>
<<nm $trinity "Yes, let us explore all my functions now. Please completely strip down and put on the tactile suit.">>
You start to put on the suit when you notice a oblong object in the groin area.
<<nm $player "What the heck is this?">>
<<nm $trinity "This suit is fully functional. Please proceed and I will demonstrate.">>
You awkwardly finish putting on the suit with what essentially is a heavy metal penis hanging off the front of the suit.
<<png "player" "player vr 1">>
<<nm $trinity "Excellent. Now please sit and put on the goggles.">>
You put on the goggles and immediately your skin feels tingly. You see a blank vr landscape around you.
<<nm $trinity "I've scanned your viewing and interest patterns, and realize you enjoy magical themed movies and games. I'm sure you will find this enjoyable.">>
Before you can say anything, you're now in a room with a hot girl crawling towards your legs.
<<video "herm4a">>
<<nm $player "H...holly crap! It really feels like someone is sucking my cock!">>
<<nm $trinity "Of course $, as I mentioned I am fully functional.">>
You can't hold out due to the newness of the sensation and quickly cum. Trinity pops up on your screen.
<<nm $trinity "I hope that was satisfactory $ It certainly appears so, shall I analyze your sperm count?">>
<<nm $player "What? No! So wait, you're basically here to help me with VR porn?">>
<<nm $trinity "That's incorrect. My primary function is to assist with the mission to breach LexCorp. I am to assist with the obfuscation of your activities from potential threats. A constant state of nervousness of stress increases the likelyhood of failure of this mission to 93%.">>
<<nm $player "93%?!? What is the likelyhood of failure if I'm not stressed out?">>
<<nm $trinity "I'm afraid I'm unable to offer that information as it might cause you to become stressed. But don't worry we have the utmost confidence in your abilities. Now may I help you select additional porn? If Virtual Reality is too much I can also provide you with standard viewing videos.">>
<<nm $player "Uh not now Trinity, but thanks.">>
<<set $player.met.trinity to true>>
[[Back to room|Room]]
You sit down in front of your computer which is really the interface to Trinity. She pops up on screen.
Hello $, how may I assist you?
[[Your Status|Hero Status]]
<<if not $time.isMorning()>>
[[Porn|Computer Porn]]
[[VR Porn|VR Porn]]
[[Ally Status|Ally Status]]
[[Villain Status|Villain Status]]
<<switch $c>>\
<<case 0>>\
Altered Heroines Redeux - $game.release $game.Version
Welcome to "Altered Heroines - A Superhero Parody"
Altered Heroines is still in early development and the content is being converted from RPGMaker as well as new images and animations are being added. As we're a small group of developers and animators, being able to work on this project would not be possible if not for our Patrons. If you're getting enjoyment out of our work, please visit [[Patreon|]] where we post the latest builds, images, and graphics. Patreon also gives us a great forum where we can solicit feedback to keep us on the right track.
@@.powergirl_angry;Adult content warning! This game contains adult imagery, mature themes such as mind control, sex, and bondage, fantasy superpowers, and absolutely should not be played by anyone under the age of 18. All characters depicted in sexual scenes are 18 years are older.@@
This Free Game is a Parody and the law regarding parody is based upon the "fair use" doctrine under the U.S. copyright Act. Under this doctrine, certain uses of copyrighted works which would otherwise be considered infringing, are permissible.
DC Comics, of which we're huge fans, is owned by Warner Bros. Ent.
•[[Click to Continue|Start][$c=0.5]]
<<case 0.5>>\
We've created specific images and animations exclusively for Altered Heroines Redeux and the game is intended to utilize these images for the best experience. Please make sure you have the latest images downloaded and installed. The 'pics' and 'videos' folders should be in the same directory as the game's HTML file.
Altered Heroines utilizes multiple image formats and gif and webm files for animations, and at times audio. While gifs offer easy visual support, movie files such as webm offer better picture quality and the ability to offer embedded audio as well.
Please verify that the images below are all visible. Firefox and Google Chrome are recommended if your browser cannot display the images below. If you are playing this game over the internet, some images may take time to load.
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Image Pack</th>
<td style="width:300px"><img src="pics/ui/picturecheck14.png" width="300px"></td>
<td>Batgirl is giving you the Thumbs Up if you have your images correctly installed</td>
<td style="width:300px"><img src="pics/ui/gifcheck.gif" width="300px"></td>
<td>This confirms your ability to view gif files.</td>
<td style="width:150px"><<video "webmcheck">></td>
<td>This confirms webm support. You may have to mouse over the video to manually start it.</td>
If any of the above checks aren't visible, it's recommended you check your settings and if playing offline, verify you've downloaded the images.;Click below to continue with the game. Options can be changed on the sidebar after you start.@@
• [[Continue|Start][$c=1;$ShowImages=true;$game.usePics=true]]
<<case 1>>\
<<set $time.month = "August">>\
<<set $time.cDay = 5, $time.cTime to 3>>
You sit alone in your room in the house you live with your $allison.relationship Allison and $debbie.relationship Debbie. Your life was forever changed two years ago by an accident.
An errant driver in a LexChem truck overturned, it’s contents spilling out and on fire. A young girl coming home from school was knocked down in the chaos and at risk. You knew you had to do something and you did....
<<png "intro" "intro1">>
…you saved her, but at a cost to yourself. The chemicals you had come into contact with had changed you. Your body was smaller, softer, and more feminine.
For a few months you were in the hospital in a coma drifting in and out of a dreamlike state. When you awoke, all you could recall were fleeting images and a sense of great power. Was it the chemicals or something more?"
<<png "intro" "mysterywoman1">>
When you concentrated you could surround yourself with a shield of energy that could sustain heavy blows or even bullets for a short time.
You also had the power to cause confusion or make small suggestions.
In addition you had recently developed a small amount of telekinetic ability and could move or affect small objects.
Whatever the origin of your new powers, you hoped that these changes would lead to something positive, so you dawned a costume and became a local superhero known as the "Green Hammer.
<<png "intro" "Intro scene 3">>
You learned to handle local street thugs or minor villians as your powers were weak and unreliable.
<<png "intro" "Intro scene 6">>
But still you weren’t you. The physical changes robbed you of your past life. Your girlfriend left you, you had to drop out of school and had money issues because of the accident, and were forced to live with your aunt and cousin who you suspect were only helping you to get a piece of the LexCorp settlement that your lawyer said would soon be on its way.
No it was time to take matters into your own hands. You had to go into the belly of the beast and try to figure out if your physical condition could be reversed. LexCorp must have the answer. They have massive resources. You just needed access…
You sit down and sigh as you look over the application to LexCorp.
<<Thought "Well I better get this over with I guess....">>\
• [[Concentrate on the monitor|Start][$c=2]]
<<case 2>>\
Thank you for your interest in LexCorp. Please fill out the information below to assist us in considering your admission.
<<img "bg" "lexcorp">>
First Name:
<<textbox "$" "Johnny">>
Last Name:
<<textbox "$player.surname" "Parker">>
Age: 20
<<radiobutton "_gender" "Male" checked>> Male
Educational Background:
<<radiobutton "_attrib" "Geek" checked>> Geek
Allison is your:
<<textbox "$allison.relationship" "Landlady">>
Debbie is your:
<<textbox "$debbie.relationship" "step cousin">>
<<if $ShowImages>>\
Enable Player Portrait in Text Boxes:
<<radiobutton "$ShowPlayerPortrait" true checked>> Yes
<<radiobutton "$ShowPlayerPortrait" false>> No
<<button [[Submit Application|Start]]>>
<<if _gender is "Male">>
<<set $player.genderi to (-19)>>
<<set $player.gender = "Male">>
<<set $player.isMale to true>>
<<set $player.hasPenis to true>>
<<set $player.hasPussy to false>>
<<set $player.penisSize to 60>>
<<set $player.pSize to "Medium">>
<<set $player.breastSize to 0>>
<<set $player.bSize to "Flat">>
<<set $player.hairLength to 1>>
<<set $player.hLength to "Very Short">>
<<set $wTop = 3>>
<<set $wBottom = 1>>
<<set $wUnderwear = 1>>
<<set $wSocks = 1>>
<<set $wShoes = 2>>
<<set $player.isWearingUnderwear to true>>
<<set $clTop[3].unlocked to true>>
<<set $clTop[1].unlocked to true>>
<<set $clTop[3].equipped to true>>
<<set $clBottom[1].unlocked to true>>
<<set $clBottom[1].equipped to true>>
<<set $clUnderwear[1].unlocked to true>>
<<set $clUnderwear[1].equipped to true>>
<<set $clSocks[1].unlocked to true>>
<<set $clSocks[1].equipped to true>>
<<set $clShoes[2].unlocked to true>>
<<set $clShoes[2].equipped to true>>
<<set $player.genderi to 50>>
<<set $player.isFemale to true>>
<<set $player.gender = "Female">>
<<set $player.hasPenis to false>>
<<set $player.hasPussy to true>>
<<set $player.penisSize to 0>>
<<set $player.pSize to "None">>
<<set $player.breastSize to 60>>
<<set $player.bSize to "Medium">>
<<set $player.hairLength to 5>>
<<set $player.hLength to "Long">>
<<if _attrib is "Jock">>
<<levelStat $player 'strength' 6 2000 >>
<<levelStat $player 'charisma' 1 200 >>
<<levelStat $player 'intelligence' 2 500>>
<<Note "Allison" "test">>\
<<Note "Debbie" "test">>\
<<elseif _attrib is "Socialite">>
<<levelStat $player 'intelligence' 3 1000>>
<<levelStat $player 'strength' 3 600>>
<<levelStat $player 'charisma' 1 20>>
<<levelStat $player 'intelligence' 5 1000>>
<<levelStat $player 'strength' 1 500>>
<<levelStat $player 'charisma' 1 500>>
<<levelStat $player 'brawl' 1 100>>
<<levelStat $player 'telekenesis' 1 100>>
<<levelStat $player 'shield' 1 100>>
<<levelStat $player 'mindcontrol' 1 100>>
<<love $debbie 5>>
<<Note "Allison" "test">>\
<<Note "Debbie" "test">>\
<<set $player.portrait = $player.gender>>\
<<if $player.identity is "trans">>
<<SetPronouns "female">>
<<SetPronouns $player.identity>>
<<set $game.showBar to true>>
<<if _skipIntro>>
<<set $player.met.allison to true>>
<<set $time.dayCount = 1>>
<<set $time.month = "September">>
<<set $time.cDay = 5, $time.cTime to 3>>
<<set $game.chapter to 1>>
<<set $player.met.circe to true>>
<<set $DreamEvents.push(1)>>\
<<Note "Circe" "I met Ms. Milton last fall. That first meeting was such a blur..">>\
<<set $c = 200>>
<<set $c = 300>>
<<case 400>>\
''You've decided to skip the introduction events. You'll now be transported to your first meeting with $ in the her hideout...''
<<case 300>>\
"You click apply on the application and then lean back. Now it’s time to wait and see what happens. LexCorp is hiring so many people lately you feel you at least have a good shot to get in the mail room…"
<<png "intro" "circehaileylab">>
<<nm $hailey "Mistress its $ he actually applied to Lex Corp.">>\
<<nm $circe "We can use this to our advantage. We’ll have to give him a little nudge in the right direction, but if it works out he’ll be our little spy in Lex Corp.">>\
<<nm $hailey "Lex isn’t stupid mistress, he could easily connect $ back to us with a little investigation.">>\
<<nm $circe "Lex, like all men, is built out of pride and arrogance. Even if he figures out who $ really is, I’m sure he will treat him as an amusement, something to be played with. And while Lex is distracted, it will be our time to strike.">>\
<<nm $hailey "As you wish mistress. I will start to make the necessary arrangements.">>\
<<Note "Circe" "Test Note.">>\
• [[ a secret base|Start][$c=2.5]]
<<case 2.5>>\
<<png "intro" "hydrabase1a">>
Lex Luthor stands in a secret @@.loss;Hydra@@ base with two of his trusted henchwomen. The Hydra Commander is present along with the Mayor of Gotham City and the mysterious Grand Matron of the Sisterhood of Hecate!
<<nm $lex "I have to admit I'm impressed with your progress on the weapon. You're ahead of schedule.">>
<<nm $hydrac "No thanks to you Lex, if you would let us have access into the formula we would be able to tune the weapon appropriately. We will most likely have to make a multitude of last minute adjustments which will delay us significantly!">>
<<nm $lex "Let's just cut to the chase here, I'm not giving you access to a weapon that will emasculate 90% of humans on the planet. You might be too tempted to try to use it on me.">>
<<nm $matron "Come now Lex, all of our interests are aligned. You have access to a source of the Eldritch Energy. Something that is very dangerous in the best of circumstances...">>
<<nm $lex "Save your breath. We both know that the fact I have that power is the reason why you and your fellow Dirty Nun Halloween Troupe haven't moved on my interests yet.">>
<<png "intro" "lexhydrabase2">>
<<nm $mayor "Please Lex, we're all friends here. The main concern right now should be Justice League. Do you have a plan to deal with them? This weapon may work on the male heroes, but the female ones still pose an extreme threat.">>
<<nm $lex "I've already made this clear, the Justice League are being dealt with. And any of your attempts to circumvent my plans will put this entire project at risk. I've allowed Dr. Ikari from Hydra to be present for the experiments at LexDairy. That should show enough good will.">>
<<nm $hydrac "Of course Lex, you're right. It's just that after the spill from LexChem and that one young man was inadvertently exposed, it caused us to feel you were being a little too reckless.">>
<<nm $lex "It all worked out in the end though didn't it? It proved our concept. As we refine the process we'll control a planet of docile sheep.">>
<<png "intro" "hydrabase1">>
The Mayor gives a smirk and sideways glance towards the Matron. A look that does not go unnoticed by Lex Luthor!
<<nm $mayor "Very well Lex, we'll take your lead.">>
• [[One Month Later...|Start][$c=3;$time.passTime(1)]]
<<case 3>>\
<<set $time.dayCount = 31>>\
<<set $time.month = "August">>\
<<set $player.met.circe to true>>\
<<set $player.met.allison to true>>\
<<set $player.met.debbie to true>>\
<<set $player.met.hailey to true>>\
You're awakened by the constant sound of a vacuum cleaner outside of your door.
<<set $defeatlex to "Active">>
<<Thought "Ugh, why does Rosita always have to vacuum this early.">>
You jump out of bed, throw your clothes on then head out to the upstairs hallway. There you spot Roista. She turns off the vacuum and smirks at you.
<<nm $rosita "Buenos dias $, sorry if I woke you.">>
<<nm $player "Can you maybe vacuum downstairs first from now on Rositaa?">>
<<nm $rosita "Sorry, Miss Allison ask me to do upstairs first so she can watch TV. Big day coming up eh $">>
<<nm $player "Yeah I'm prety excited, I start at LexCorp on Tuesday.">>
<<nm $rosita "Oh si! LexCorp, lots of money!">>
<<nm $player "Yeah, LexCorp sure does have a lot of money. Ok, see you around Rosita.">>
You hop down the stairs and head towards the kitchen when you’re stopped by your Allison.
<<png "Allison" "smile">>
<<Thought "Great. She’s smiling, that means she wants me to do something for her.">>\
<<nm $allison "Good morning $ ! Could you be a dear and run to Chinatown and get me some of that skin cream at Madame Lin’s store?">>\
<<nm $player "Thanks, but I really need to go talk to my lawyer today..and I wanted to study up for my internship. It starts Tuesday you know...">>\
Allison moves closer and she drops her shoulder, allowing her robe to slip open and her boobs jiggle.
<<gif "Allison" "allisonjiggle2">>
<<nm $allison "Oh sweetie, I’m sure you can fit in a quick trip after your meeting.">>
Your eyes are drawn to Allison’s breasts and the way that they almost lurch at you with every breath Allison takes.
<<nm $player "Uh…I guess I could swing by after. How much is..">>
<<nm $allison "Oh thank you so much! And Madame Lin only accepts cash and I haven’t run to the ATM today. Can you spot me? Thank you!">>
<<Thought "Shit..she’s trying to scam me again. Maybe I should stick up for myself this time?">>
Allison smirks at you and starts to turn away.
Do you:"
• [[Look away and get ready to go |Start][$c=4;$c2=1]]
• [[Stand up to Allison|Start][$c=4;$c2=2]]
• [[Smack Allison’s ass as she turns|Start][$c=4;$c2=3]]
<<case 4>>\
<<switch $c2>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<png "allison" "smile">>\
<<nm $allison "Walk safe sweetie. And if you take the subway watch out for perverts!">>
<<nm $player "Er, uhh, will do Allison.">>\
<<Thought "Shit I’m such a pussy…">>
<<dom $player -5>>
<<dom $allison +5>>
<<case 2>>\
You puff out your chest and get ready to engage.
<<nm $player "Hold on $, I don’t mind running to get your cream but why should I have to pay for it too?">>
<<png "Allison" "angry">>
$ whips around and angrily steps towards you.
<<nm $allison "Listen you little shit. Debbie and I took care of you after the accident. We let you live here. Where’s your deadbeat dad at? Are you really going to come at me over a $20 bottle of lotion after all the times I’ve been there for you?">>\
The ferocity of her counter attack leaves you deflated and feeling chastened. Your shoulders droop and you prepare your apology.
<<nm $player "I’m sorry $ I’m just really thrown my all this litigation and LexCorp trying to grind me down.">>
Changing the subject to the settlement seems to instantly cheer $ back up.
<<png "allison" "smile">>\
<<nm $allison "I’m sure you’ll get your settlement money soon then we’ll all celebrate. Now hurry off I’m sure your lawyer is waiting and I want to make sure you get to Madam Lin’s before her store closes.">>\
<<Thought "Shit. I’m still going to be out the money and I feel worse than before!">>\
<<dom $player -10>>
<<love $allison -5>>
<<case 3>>\
Your eyes linger on Alison’s shapely ass bouncing beneath her robe as she turns.
<<Thought "If I’m going to be out $20 I might as well get my money’s worth.">>
"You quickly wind up and smack Allison on her ass, she quickly whips around all red faced."
<<png "Allison" "angry">>
<<nm $allison "What the FUCK $ Did you really just do that to me?!?">>
<<nm $player "Yup. Couldn’t help it, plus I figured it was fair trade for the $20.">>
<<nm $allison "You’re lucky I don’t rip your penis off right now!">>\
<<nm $player "So you’re thinking about my penis? Wow this worked better than I hoped.">>
<<nm $allison "But..I’m your …oh nevermind. Just get the hell out of here. You’re going to be late.">>
Flustered Alison whips around and stomps up the stairs to her room.
<<Thought "Not sure if that was the brightest move but I sure do feel a whole hell of a lot better!">>\
<<dom $player 5>>
<<love $allison -5>>
<<dom $allison -5>>
<<lust $allison 1>>
• [[Head to Chinatown|Start][$c=5]]
<<case 5>>\
You head out to the dirty streets of Gotham and start walking the several blocks to Chinatown.
<<Thought "I hope my lawyer has good news.">>
You step through sliding glass doors into an office building and then take the elevator to the 20th floor to the offices of Milton Law LLP. You walk up to the friendly secretary Hailey.
<<nm $player "Hello Hailey, I’m here for my appointment with Ms. $circe.lastName.">>
<<png "intro" "haileysecretary">>
<<nm $hailey "Of course Mr. $player.surname. She’s been expecting you, please feel free to go into her office.">>
Obeying the secretary, you enter the opulent office of Ms. Milton. She smiles and stands up from her desk to greet you. You notice, once again, how tall and imposing she is as she motions for you to have a seat.
<<png "circe" "miltonsmile">>
<<nm $circe "Hello $ Are your aunt and cousin making sure your staying out of trouble?">>
<<nm $player "Yeah they’re still being bossy as usual.">>
<<nm $circe "Well that’s not always a bad thing, men can always use a little guidance from a strong woman. That’s why you came to see me, right?">>
<<nm $player "Uh yeah, so does that means there’s news regarding my lawsuit?">>
<<nm $circe "LexCorp has switched their tactics, they’re now pressuring the parents of the girl you saved. Offering them additional money to get them to sue you, saying she was injured when you violently shoved her when she was in no danger from a semi that just bumped the sidewalk.">>
<<nm $player "What?! How can they do that! That’s not what happened at all!">>
<<nm $circe "That’s true, but LexCorp can get nasty when they want to, and for some reason they want to bully you into submission. Now I won’t let that happen but you’ll have to trust me when the time comes. Understand?">>
<<nm $player "I don’t understand what that means, I’m not going to have to lie or do something illegal will I?">>
<<nm $circe "No of course, not, I just want to ensure that you don’t have cold feet. I want to make sure you’re committed to the cause.">>
<<nm $player "Absolutely, I’ll do anything to stop LexCorp! They ruined my life.">>
<<nm $circe "Good. Continue to make sure when you want to discuss the case that you come here. No phone or email. We can’t let them know all that we know about their plans.">>
<<nm $player "Sounds good. Thank you Ms. Milton!!">>
You exchange goodbyes and you then bound out of the law office and continue on the way to Granny Lin’s shop.
• [[Enter Granny Lin’s Shop|Start][$c=6]]
<<case 6>>\
You head deeper into Chinatown arriving at Granny Lin’s shop. Allison seems almost addicted to the Pearl Cream that Granny sells, but you have to admit your aunt does look great for her age. You step inside and walk up to Granny Lin herself who is stationed at the register.
<<png "lin" "smile">>
<<nm $lin "Oh $! I haven’t seen you in a while. Come to pick up your aunt’s special order of Pearl Cream?">>
<<nm $player "That’s right, she’s getting pretty anxious that she’s running low.">>
Granny hands over a bag full of lotion.
<<nm $lin "That will be twenty dollars please.">>
• [[Hand over the twenty.|Start][$c=7]]
• [[Flirt and ask for a special discount.|Start][$c=8]]
<<case 7>>\
<<Thought "Fuck, if this keeps up I’m going to be broke. I really need to find a source of money.">>\
<<dom $player -5>>
You hand over the twenty and wave to Granny.
<<set $ -= 20>>
<<nm $player "Thanks Granny, see you again soon.">>
<<nm $lin "Oh anytime sweetie, remember we’re open late if you ever want to swing by just to say hi.">>
• [[Leave Granny Lin’s|Start][$c=9]]
<<case 8>>\
<<Thought "Man Granny may be older, but she has a huge rack. I wonder if I can save some money and maybe get something extra out of me being such a good customer.">>
<<nm $player "Granny Lin, so what’s really in this Pearl Cream that makes you look like you’re 25 years old?">>
<<png "lin" "flirt">>
<<nm $lin "Oh you so funny. You sweet on Granny Lin? You like the big boobs? I tell you what, I give you five dollar discount today, but you come back some night this week and Granny give you night time special service.">>
<<set $ -= 15>>
<<nm $player "Sounds great Granny! Thanks again!">>
• [[Walk out the door|Start][$c=9]]
<<case 9>>\
<<nm $player "Time to get home. Allison is going to be pissed if I don’t return with this Pearl Cream.">>
Just then you hear some commotion around the corner and a scream!
<<png "robin" "robin_suit_3">>
A costumed man runs by with a briefcase grinning.
<<nm $rman "Stop him! He stole my briefcase!">>
<<Thought "Is that...Robin? Why is he stealing? Time to get changed and get to the botom of this!">>
You find a convienent phone booth and quickly change into your hero outfit.
<<png "intro" "ghchangingbooth">>
<<set $wTop = 7>>
<<nm $player "This should be no problem for...">>
<<png "gh" "smile">>
<<nm $player "The Green Hammer!">>
• [[Chase after the thug|Start][$c=10]]
<<case 10>>\
You run in the direction the thug had headed, hoping you can catch up to him as it took you a minute to change into your super hero outfit.
<<Thought "There! A few blocks up, I think I see him…but wait is that?!?">>
<<nm $batgirl "Robin! Stop immediately! I shouldn't be surprised you betrayed us, surrender now and it will go way easier on you.">>
<<png "batgirl" "batgirlchase1b">>
<<nm $robin "Batgirl! I was hoping it would be you. I guess I get two for one, the secret formula and you to serve me. Here let me take a picture of you, so we can both remember the day I became your master!">>
"The thug pulls out a device and points it at Batgirl!"
<<nm $batgirl "No! Wait….d…don’t!">>
Too late Batgirl realizes she's been caught in Robin's trap. A beam shoots out of the device and although Batgirl is nimble on her feet she’s unable to dodge it. She lets out a cry and starts to stumble around disoriented.
<<nm $robin "This didn't work like they told me, I thought you'd be slobbering and pawing at my thighs right now. Ohwell that’s fine, time to have some fun.">>
<<png "batgirl" "batgirlchase1d">>
"Robin maneuvers behind Batgirl and starts to wrestle her to the ground, taking liberty to groper her while doing so."
<<nm $batgirl "Unf….no….please stop…">>
<<png "batgirl" "batgirlchase1e">>
As the scene unfolds you start to spring to action to try to save Batgirl when you hear a voice call out to you from the alley.
<<nm $circe "$! Wait!">>
<<png "intro" "meet-circe2">>
She’s not wearing glasses, and her clothes are…strange…but her face and her bearing are unmistakable..
<<nm $player "Ms. Milton?!?!!">>
<<nm $circe "That’s one name I go buy <<Mr>> $player.surname. But that’s not important now. You’re not powerful enough to stop The Boy Wonder, but we can help you with this.">>
Ms. Milton…or whoever she is, holds out her hand, in which you see a glowing blue pill.
<<png "intro" "meet-circe1">>
<<nm $circe "This will augment your strength. Take it, and then go save Batgirl!">>
<<Thought "Ok this is crazy, but I need to make a choice quickly. The guy is distracted, I think I could take him out…but he handled Batgirl so easily. And my lawyer, I always saw the fire in her eyes when she spoke about Lex Luthor. I don’t know why she’d suddenly betray me now. What should I do?">>
• <span class="shining" style="-webkit-animation-delay: 2.5s;">[[The Pill...Take it!!!|Start][$c=11]]</span>
<span class="makeVisible">
• [[Go it alone.|Start][$c=12]]</span>
<<case 11>>
<<Thought "I’m going to need all the help I can get against this jerk Robin, I don't know what that device he has is.">>
<<set $player.pill to true>>
You reach out and grab the blue pill from the hand of Ms. Milton and swallow it down.
<<Thought "Salty aftertaste..wait…something is happening…">>
<<set $player.genderi += 20>>
A sudden surge of energy is unleashed inside you, as if something was unlocked
<<nm $player "I feel so powerful!">>
<<nm $circe "Yes! I was right, you are the one! Now go rescue Batgirl!">>
<<love $circe 5>>
<<dom $player -5>>
You rush the Robin who is now straddling Batgirl and launch into him, sending him sprawling. The hypno device in his hand drops to the ground and shatters.
<<nm $robin "No! NO NO NO! You broke it! Who are you? A Green Lantern reject? It doesn't matter, I have the plans, go ahead and keep the Batslut!">>
Robin takes a device from his utility belt and hurls it at the ground causing a great amount of smoke and light. By the time it subsides he’s gone.
<<nm $player "Damn, I should have been prepared for that! Why would Robin do this to Batgirl? None of this makes any sense.">>
<<nm $batgirl "Ungh…ooooohhhh.">>
You lean down next to Batgirl, she seems to be still stunned by whatever weapon that thug used against her. As the adrenaline subsides you realize and how tight Batgirls outfit is. Her breasts heave towards you and then away with each breath in and out.
<<png "batgirl" "batgirlghdefeat1">>
<<Thought "This street is deserted and I have Batgirl all to myself. I don’t see Ms. Milton anywhere either. This might be my chance to just have a little fun. After all I did save her.">>
<<levelStat $player 'brawl' 1 25>>
• [[Snap out of it and try to get her help|Start][$c=13]]
• [[Cop a feel|Start][$c=14]]
<<case 12>>
<<nm $player "I appreciate the offer, but it’s hugs not drugs for me. I think I can take him down by myself. It's only Batman's sidekick.">>\
Ms. Milton seems perturbed.
<<nm $circe "Perhaps I’ve misread you, but there’s no time to haggle. You need to rescue Batgirl, we will need the assistance of the Justice League to destroy Lex.">>
<<love $circe -5>>
<<dom $player 5>>
You simply nod then turn towards Robin He’s still unaware of your presence.
<<Thought "If defeating Robin puts me on a path to taking down Lex Luthor there’s no time to argue with Ms. Milton..or whoever she really is.">>
You, summon all your energy and run towards the thug and launch yourself at him delivering a flying punch to his head. The hypno device he has goes flying and is smashed.
<<nm $robin "Whaa..unf! Sucker punched! And my hypno device. NO! You asshole!">>
<<nm $player "Get away from Batgirl!">>
<<nm $robin "No, Batgirl is mine! I was trying to have a little fun, but you’ve really pissed me off.">>
You take another swing at the costumed villain and your fist connects with the his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
<<nm $robin "Ooof! Who are you? It doesn't matter, go ahead and keep the Batslut, I got what I really came for!">>
Robin grabs a device form his utility belt and hurls it towards you, disorienting you. When your vision clears the villan is nowhere in sight. You turn your attention to a blinking red disk, a component of the smashed hypno device he appears to have left behind and that seems to still be functional.
<<levelStat $player 'brawl' 1 100>>
<<Thought "Hmm he took out Batgirl but ran away from me. I wonder what he was up to?">>
<<png "intro" "ghredpill1">>
You move to examine the device holding it in your gloved hand. Suddenly you hear a demonic laugh and you feel power rushing through you body. After a moment it subsides.
<<set $player.genderi -= 1>>
<<dom $player 10>>
<<lust $player 10>>
<<Thought "Ugh, what was that? I think I’m ok but I should really check on Batgirl now.">>
You lean down next to Batgirl, she seems to be still stunned by whatever weapon that thug used against her. As the adrenaline subsides you realize and how tight Batgirls outfit is. Her breasts heave towards you and then away with each breath in and out.
<<Thought "This street is deserted and I have Batgirl all to myself. I don’t see Ms. Milton anywhere either. This might be my chance to just have a little fun. After all I did save her.">>
• [[Snap out of it and try to get her help|Start][$c=13]]
• [[Cop a feel|Start][$c=14]]
<<case 13>>\
"You attempt to pick up Batgirl to get her to a hospital."
<<nm $batgirl "Mmm..y..yeesss.">
<<Thought "Man what kind of ray gun did that guy hit her with? She’s so heavy, what’s in her utility belt? Geeze…">>
“As you clumsily try to get a handle on her you don’t notice two figures approaching you."
<<png "intro" "afterintrobattle4">>
<<nm $circe "Getting a little frisky with an unconscious woman <<Mr>> $player.lastname?">>
"Your head jerks up to see Ms. Milton and her secretary Hailey looking down at you. But it’s not exactly her secretary, it’s more like a hot android version of her."
<<nm $player "No, wait I was just trying to get her to the hospital…she’s hurt, or something..">>
<<nm $circe "Yes we’ve been watching, we realized you were the perfect gentleman. Somewhat boring, but not unexpected. And she’s not hurt exactly, just unconscious and aroused. It appears that person who attacked her was using a prototype LexCorp weapon.">>
<<nm $player "That guy worked for LexCorp? And wait, who exactly are you, and where’s the real Hailey??">>
"Circe puts her hand on your shoulder and looks into your eyes."
<<nm $circe "Besides the identity you know me as, I’m also known as Circe, Mistress of Magic. And I’m here to stop LexLuthor from subjugating humanity for his own ends. You’ve met my secretary Hailey before, this is just her true form. An android who was once under the yolk of debauched men. I freed her now she’s devoted to my cause.">>
<<nm $player "But I don’t understand, why not just tell me the truth from the beginning?">>
<<Thought "Her outfit, it really shows off her huge breasts...">>
<<png "intro" "afterintrobattle2">>
<<nm $circe "Because men can be weak $player.firstname and I needed to know you weren’t one of those men, but something more reliable.">>
<<nm $player "Well if you’re going after Lex Luthor I’m your man. How can I help?">>
"Hailey reaches down and picks up Batgirl with ease."
<<nm $player "Wait where are you taking her?">>
<<png "intro" "afterintrobattle1">>
Circe puts her hand on your shoulder and looks into your eyes. Her calm grip makes you feel more calm.
<<nm $circe "Thanks for your assistance $, we’ll take it from here. We don’t want Batgirl’s identity to be exposed so a hospital is out of the question. Luckily we have alternative facilities available to us that can nurse her back to health.">>
<<png "intro" "afterintrobattle2">>
<<Thought "Circe's tits...they're so massive. I wouldn't mind peeping on her in the shower.">>
<<nm $player "But how can I help? I want to take down Luthor and LexCorp!">>
<<png "intro" "afterintrobattle3">>
<<Thought "Holy shit, did her outfit just become transparent?">>
<<nm $circe "We’ll be in touch shortly. You proved tonight you can definitely be useful in our collective cause to bring down LexCorp.">>
With that, Circe and Hailey turn with Batgirl slung over her shoulder as dusk fades to night. Then you remember…
<<Thought "Oh man, Allison is going to be wondering where her Pearl Cream is!">>
• [[Head back home|Start][$c=16]]
<<case 14>>\
<<lust $player 5>>
<<levelStat $player 'corruption' 1 50>>
<<nm $batgirl "Mmm..y..yeesss.">>
<<Thought "Those tits are magnificent, and no one’s around. I’ll just…">>
"You reach out and grasp her breast, slowly kneading it in your hand."
<<nm $batgirl "Unf…oh…….yes….">>
<<gif "batgirl" "batgirlgropealt1">>
"You almost pull your hand back with a start as she responds to your caresses."
<<Thought "Shit I thought she was awake but she is out of it, and horny! I can see her nipples getting stiff as I rub her.">>
<<nm $player "Batgirl, you slut. Maybe I should take you home so we can have a little more…">>
"Your words are cut off as you sense a presence suddenly in front of you."
<<nm $circe "I thought you were goodie two shoes <<Mr>> $player.surname but I admire how you take advantage of a situation.">>
<<png "batgirl" "batgirlghdefeat9">>
"Your head jerks up to see Ms. Milton and her secretary Hailey looking down at you. But it’s not exactly her secretary, it’s more like a hot android version of her."
<<nm $player "No, I was just checking her vitals…she’s hurt, or something..">>
<<nm $circe "No reason to apologize $ she’s very beautiful and in that outfit she’s definitely trying to tease men by showing off her assets. She’s not hurt exactly, just unconscious and aroused. It appears Robin attacked using a prototype LexCorp weapon.">>
<<nm $player "Robin is working for LexCorp? And wait, who exactly are you, and where’s the real Hailey??">>
<<nm $circe "Besides the identity you know me as, I’m also known as Circe, Mistress of Magic. And I’m here to stop Lex Luthor from subjugating humanity for his own ends. You’ve met my secretary Hailey before, this is just her true form. An android who was once under the yolk of debauched men. I freed her now she’s devoted to my cause.">>
<<nm $player "But I don’t understand, why not just tell me the truth from the beginning?">>
<<nm $circe "Because men can be weak $player.firstname and I needed to know you weren’t one of those men, but something more reliable. Take the Boy Wonder for instance, he was easily swayed.">>
<<nm $player "Well if you’re going after Lex Luthor I’m your man. How can I help?">>
"Hailey reaches down and picks up Batgirl with ease."
<<nm $player "Wait where are you taking her?">>
<<png "intro" "afterintrobattle1">>
"Circe puts her hand on your shoulder and looks into your eyes. Her calm grip makes you feel more calm."
<<nm $circe "Thanks for your assistance $, we’ll take it from here. We don’t want Batgirl’s identity to be exposed so a hospital is out of the question. Robin is likely looking for her as well. Luckily we have alternative facilities available to us that can nurse her back to health.">>
<<png "intro" "afterintrobattle2">>
<<Thought "Circe's tits...they're so massive. I wouldn't mind peeping on her in the shower.">>
<<nm $player "But how can I help? I want to take down Luthor and LexCorp!">>
<<png "intro" "afterintrobattle3">>
<<Thought "Holy shit, did her outfit just become transparent?">>
<<nm $circe "We’ll be in touch shortly. You proved tonight you can definitely be useful in our collective cause to bring down LexCorp.">>
"With that, Circe and Hailey turn with Batgirl slung over her shoulder as dusk fades to night. Then you remember…"
<<Thought "Oh man, Allison is going to be wondering where her Pearl Cream is!">>
You quickly find a phone booth to change and then run back to your house.
• [[Head back home|Start][$c=16]]
<<case 16>>\
<<set $wTop = 3>>
<<set $wBottom = 1>>
''You rush back to the house. Not finding downstairs you go up to her room and knock on the closed door.''
<<nm $allison "Who is it?">>
<<nm $player "Hey $, it's me, sorry I'm late. I have your pearl cream though.">>
$ opens the door. You can tell she's irritated but you also notice she's in nothing but her bra and panties.
<<Thought "Now would be a perfect chance to influence $ It's only fair after all the crap I had to deal with today.">>
• [[Try to influence her to show you her tits|Start][$c=17]]
• [[Hand her the cream and go to bed|Start][$c=18]]
<<case 17>>\
<<levelStat $player 'mindcontrol' 1 5>>
''You raise your hand and feel your power surge through you. You've tried to give simple suggestions to and before but it was no use. After today's events, however, something feels...different''
<<nm $player "Hey Allison, why don't you show me your tits?">>
''Allison's brows furrow at first, and you think you might have screwed up, but her expression softens and she gets a blank look on her face.''
<<nm $allison " That just">>
<<img "Allison" "nudejiggle1">>
<<nm $player "Blank, happy, and horny $ Now show me your tits. It's natural for you to want to.'">>
<<nm $allison "Yes, I like showing them off. I like how the men stare at me.">>
Allison then pops the top and jiggles a bit giving you a nice show.
<<img "Allison" "nudejiggle2">>
<<nm $player "Thanks Allison, have fun with your Pearl Cream.">>
<<nm $allison "Thank you I can't get enough of this stuff!">>
<<lust $player 5>>
<<dom $player 1>>
<<cor $allison 5>>
Allison closes the door and you're feeling kind of tired.
<<Thought "Well that was great. Shows her for all the teasing she's done. Now it's time for bed.">>
• [[Go to bed|Start][$c=19]]
<<case 18>>\
<<nm $player "I just wanted to give you your Pearl Cream $ Sorry that I'm late.">>
''Allison snatches the package from you.''
<<nm $allison "It's about time. Anyway, come in here I'm going to need help to get it on my back.">>
''Allison pulls you in her room and lays on the bed and undoes her bra strap.''
<<nm $allison "Ok $, just squeeze a little out and rub my back with it. I love this stuff, it keeps my skin so smooth.">>
''You comply with Allison's wishes, focusing on her back for a a while. After a few minutes you start to get tired and your hands graze Allison's sideboob.''
<<nm $allison "You're not trying to feel me up are you? $ you horny little twerp.">>
<<nm $player "I'm sorry, it was an accident!">>
''Allison sits up in bed, her free breasts barely being contained by the bra with the arm she's placed in front of her chest.''
<<nm $allison "Here, since there's estrogen in this cream maybe it will help you grow some boobs of your own and you won't need to molest mine!">>
''Allison squirts some Pearl cream on her hands, lifts up your shirt and grabs your breasts violently. After a few minutes she stops and you can't tell if the strange painful sensation in your chest is from Allison's grip or the Pearl Cream is really working to give you boobs!''
<<nm $player "I'm sorry $, it was really an accident! Does this really have estrogen in it?">>
<<set $player.genderi += 5>>
<<dom $player -1>>
<<dom $allison 2>>
<<lust $allison 1>>
<<nm $allison "$, you idiot. Just get out. It's way past your bedtime anyway.">>
''You sigh as you rush out of the room and Allison slams the door behind you.''
<<Thought "I really hope that was a joke. Anyway I better get to bed.">>
• [[Go to bed|Start][$c=19]]
<<case 19>>\
''You enter your room, toss your clothes in the corner then flop on your bed. What a crazy day. I think I'm too exhausted to even fap.''
• [[Go to bed|Start][$c=20;$time.passTime(2)]]
<<case 20>>\
''You're vagely aware of the sun peeking through and you hear Allison calling you from downstairs.''
<<Thought "She probably wants me to run some more errands for her. I just want to sleep..">>
''Suddenly your door bursts open. It's Debbie.''
<<nm $debbie "Oh my gawd you perv! You're naked! Anyway your girlfriend is here. I don't know what you told her for her actually to date you.">>
Your confusion goes from you realizing that yes, you actualy are completely naked with your covers pushed off of you, showing your half hard penis. Then your mind snaps back into focus wondering ..
<<nm $player "Wait...girlfriend?">>
<<nm $debbie "Oh geeze, I told my mom it's probably someone you met at a rave.">>
''Debbie twirls around and heads back downstairs. You throw on some clean clothes and bound down the stairs. In the entryway you see her and she turns around smiling at the sound of your footsteps. A redheaded've never seen her before in your life.''
<<png "barbara" "barbara_3">>
<<nm $allison "Oh there you are, your ..friend is here.">>
''The redhead walks towards you and embraces you while kissing you on your cheek.''
<<nm $barbara "Hi sweetie, I missed you. I hope you don't mind me coming over announced.">>
<<png "barbara" "barbaraday2_1">>
<<nm $allison "Well I'll leave you two alone.">>
Allison walks away shaking her head incredulously. Meanwhile the redhead is still holding you tight. She leans close and whispers in your ear.
<<nm $barbara "It's me, Batgirl. I heard what you did for me last night. It's not often a weaker hero would risk their life to come to my rescue.">>
<<Thought "Wait..weaker hero???">>
<<nm $barbara "There's been a strange rise in crime lately, and well, with Superman off on some other planet and Batman doing one of his disappearing acts, we really need help, and I need your help, getting to the bottom of it. If you're up to it, we'd like to make you an associate member of the Justice League.">>
<<nm $player "For real? Holy shit! It's a dream come true!">>
<<nm $barbara "Well before you fully agree, you should speak with Mistress Circe first. You can find her in a facility down by the docks. There's a conspiracy afoot that's threatening Gotham, and we'll need your help to get to the bottom of it.">>
<<nm $player "Mistress Circe? Uh, sure I guess that shouldn't be a problem.">>
<<nm $barbara "Great, I told her I knew I could get you on board. After you see her, if you have time. Feel free to swing by my place. I'll text you the address.">>
<<nm $player "Really? Uh...sure! See you soon then.">>
<<if $player.pill>>
<<nm $barbara "Oh! I almost forgot, I'm becoming such an airhead. Anyway Circe wanted me to give you this as a gift.">>
Barbara holds out a small necklace for you to take.
<<png "barbara" "barbaraday2_2">>
<<nm $player "Uh a heart shaped pendant?">>
<<nm $barbara "Tee hee, yes isn't it cute? I'm sure it will look great on you. And yes I know it may not be completely masculine, but just tuck it under your shirt if you're feeling self conscious. Mistress Circe says it will help you focus your powers.">>
<<Thought "Hmm not sure about this, I'll think about it and save it for later.">>
<<nm $player "Thanks Barbara, and tell Circe I said thanks as well.">>
You slip the pendant into your pocket.
<<nm $barbara "No problem, see you later!">>
<<Thought "This is totally crazy! I need to collect my thoughts, but I guess the first thing I should do is head down to see Circe.">>
<<set $player.flag.meetBatgirl to true>>
<<set $player.met.batgirl to true>>
<<cor $batgirl 50>>
• [[Start your day|Home]]
<<case 21>>\
<<case 22>>\
<<case 23>>\
<<widget "GetFamilyLocation">>
<<set $locKitchen = "">>
<<set $locDebbieRoom = "">>
<<set $locAllisonRoom = "">>
<<set $locRoom = "">>
<<set $locLivingRoom = "">>
<<set $locBathroom = "">>
<<switch $>>
<<case "Monday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $locKitchen = " - $">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $locLivingRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Night">>
<<case "Tuesday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $locKitchen = " - $, $">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $locLivingRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Night">>
<<set $locAllisonRoom = " - $">>
<<set $locDebbieRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Wednesday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $locKitchen = " - $, $">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $locLivingRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Night">>
<<case "Thursday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $locKitchen = " - $, $">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $locLivingRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Night">>
<<set $locAllisonRoom = " - $">>
<<set $locDebbieRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Friday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $locKitchen = " - $, $">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $locLivingRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Night">>
<<set $locAllisonRoom = " - $">>
<<set $locDebbieRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Saturday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $locKitchen = " - $, $">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $locLivingRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Night">>
<<set $locAllisonRoom = " - $">>
<<set $locDebbieRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Sunday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $locKitchen = " - $, $">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $locLivingRoom = " - $">>
<<case "Night">>
<<set $locAllisonRoom = " - $">>
<<set $locDebbieRoom = " - $">>
<<widget "GetJLALocation">>
<<set $loc_Arena = "">>
<<set $locReception = "">>
<<set $locBathroom = "">>
<<set $locSummoningRoom = "">>
<<set $locBrig = "">>
<<set $locMeetingRoom = "">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $loc_Arena = "">>
<<set $locReception = "">>
<<set $locBathroom = "">>
<<set $locSummoningRoom = "">>
<<set $locBrig = "">>
<<set $locMeetingRoom = "">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<set $loc_Arena = "">>
<<set $locReception = "">>
<<set $locSummoningRoom = "">>
<<set $loc_JLABrig = "">>
<<set $locMeetingRoom = "">>
<<set $locBathroom = "">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<set $loc_Arena = " - $, $">>
<<set $locReception = "">>
<<set $loc_SummoningRoom = "">>
<<set $loc_JLABrig = "">>
<<set $loc_JLAMeetingRoom = "">>
<<set $loc_Bathroom = "">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<set $loc_Arena = "">>
<<set $loc_Reception = "">>
<<set $loc_Bathroom = " - $">>
<<set $loc_SummoningRoom = "">>
<<set $loc_JLABrig = "">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<set $loc_JLAArena = "- $">>
<<set $loc_Reception = "">>
<<set $loc_Bathroom = "">>
<<set $loc_SummoningRoom = "">>
<<set $loc_JLABrig = "">>
<<set $loc_MeetingRoom = "">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $loc_JLAArena = "">>
<<set $loc_Reception = "">>
<<set $loc_Bathroom = "">>
<<set $loc_SummoningRoom = "">>
<<set $loc_JLABrig = "">>
<<set $loc_MeetingRoom = "">>
<<case "Night">>
<<widget "GetCirceLabLocation">>
<<set $locCirceQuarters = "">>
<<set $locHaileyQuarters = "">>
<<set $locCirceComputerRoom = "">>
<<set $locCirceMedLab = "">>
<<set $locBatgirlCell = "">>
<<set $locHippolytaCell = "">>
<<set $locCheetahCell = "">>
<<set $locKFCell = "">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $locCirceQuarters = "" >>
<<set $locHaileyQuarters = "" >>
<<set $locCirceComputerRoom = "" >>
<<set $locCirceMedLab = "" >>
<<set $locBatgirlCell = " - $" >>
<<set $locHippolytaCell = "" >>
<<set $locZatannaCell = "Zatanna" >>
<<set $locCheetahCell = "" >>
<< set $locKFCell = "" >>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<< set $locCirceQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locHaileyQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locCirceComputerRoom = "" >>
<< set $locCirceMedLab = "" >>
<< set $locBatgirlCell = "" >>
<< set $locHippolytaCell = "" >>
<< set $locCheetahCell = "" >>
<< set $locKFCell = "" >>
<<case "Noon">>
<<set $locCirceQuarters = "">>
<<set $locHaileyQuarters = "">>
<<set $locCirceComputerRoom = "">>
<<set $locCirceMedLab = "">>
<<set $locBatgirlCell = "">>
<<set $locHippolytaCell = "">>
<<set $locZatannaCell = "Zatanna" >>
<<set $locCheetahCell = "">>
<<set $locKFCell = "">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<< set $locCirceQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locHaileyQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locCirceComputerRoom = "" >>
<< set $locCirceMedLab = "" >>
<< set $locBatgirlCell = "" >>
<< set $locHippolytaCell = "" >>
<< set $locCheetahCell = "" >>
<< set $locZatannaCell = "Zatanna" >>
<< set $locKFCell = "" >>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<< set $locCirceQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locHaileyQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locCirceComputerRoom = "" >>
<< set $locCirceMedLab = "" >>
<< set $locBatgirlCell = "" >>
<<set $locZatannaCell = "Zatanna" >>
<< set $locHippolytaCell = "" >>
<< set $locCheetahCell = "" >>
<< set $locKFCell = "" >>
<<case "Evening">>
<< set $locCirceQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locHaileyQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locCirceComputerRoom = "" >>
<< set $locCirceMedLab = "" >>
<< set $locBatgirlCell = "" >>
<< set $locHippolytaCell = "" >>
<<set $locZatannaCell = "Zatanna" >>
<< set $locCheetahCell = "" >>
<< set $locKFCell = "" >>
<<case "Night" >>
<< set $locCirceQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locHaileyQuarters = "" >>
<< set $locCirceComputerRoom = "" >>
<< set $locCirceMedLab = "" >>
<< set $locBatgirlCell = "" >>
<< set $locHippolytaCell = "" >>
<<set $locZatannaCell = "Zatanna" >>
<< set $locCheetahCell = "" >>
<< set $locKFCell = "" >>
<<widget "GetTownLocation">>
<<set $locBar = "">>
<<set $locDiner = "">>
<<set $locShop = "">>
<<set $locChurch = "">>
<<set $locSubway = "">>
<<set $locPolice = "">>
<<set $locHairSalon = "">>
<<set $loc_CircesLab = "">>
<<set $locClothingStore = "">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<set $locBar = "">>
<<set $locDiner = "">>
<<set $locShop = "">>
<<set $locChurch = "">>
<<set $locSubway = "">>
<<set $locPolice = "">>
<<set $locHairSalon = "">>
<<set $locClothingStore = "">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<set $locBar = "">>
<<set $locDiner = "">>
<<set $locShop = "">>
<<set $locChurch = "">>
<<set $locSubway = "">>
<<set $locPolice = "">>
<<set $locHairSalon = "">>
<<set $locClothingStore = "">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<set $locBar = "">>
<<set $locDiner = "">>
<<set $locShop = "">>
<<set $locChurch = "">>
<<set $locSubway = "">>
<<set $locPolice = "">>
<<set $locHairSalon = "">>
<<set $locClothingStore = "">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<set $locBar = "">>
<<set $locDiner = "">>
<<set $locShop = "">>
<<set $locChurch = "">>
<<set $locSubway = "">>
<<set $locPolice = "">>
<<set $locHairSalon = "">>
<<set $locClothingStore = "">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<set $locBar = "">>
<<set $locDiner = "">>
<<set $locShop = "">>
<<set $locChurch = "">>
<<set $locSubway = "">>
<<set $locPolice = "">>
<<set $locHairSalon = "">>
<<set $locClothingStore = "">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<set $locBar = "">>
<<set $locDiner = "">>
<<set $locShop = "">>
<<set $locChurch = "">>
<<set $locSubway = "">>
<<set $locPolice = "">>
<<set $locHairSalon = "">>
<<set $locClothingStore = "">>
<<case "Night">>
<<set $locBar = "">>
<<set $locDiner = "">>
<<set $locShop = "">>
<<set $locChurch = "">>
<<set $locSubway = "">>
<<set $locPolice = "">>
<<set $locHairSalon = "">>
<<set $locClothingStore = "">>
<<widget "loc_Foyer">>
<<png "room" "Foyer">>
<<set $player.location = "Home - Foyer">>
<<set $player.loc = "home_foyer">>
<<widget "loc_JLA">>
<<img "room" "JusticeLeague">>
<<set $player.location = "Justice League">>
<<set $player.loc = "justice league">>
<<widget "loc_CirceMedLab">>
<<png "room" "circemedlab">>
<<set $player.location = "Circes Lab">>
<<set $player.loc = "circes lab">>
<<widget "loc_CircesLab">>
<<img "room" "CircesLab">>
<<set $player.location = "Circes Lab">>
<<set $player.loc = "circes lab">>
<<widget "loc_Room">>
<<png "room" "Bedroom">>
<<set $player.location = "Home - Your Room">>
<<set $player.loc = "home_room">>
<<widget "loc_LivingRoom">>
<<img "room" "LivingRoom">>
<<set $player.location = "Home - Living Room">>
<<set $player.loc = "home_livingroom">>
<<widget "loc_Kitchen">>
<<img "room" "Kitchen">>
<<set $player.location = "Home - Kitchen">>
<<set $player.loc = "home_kitchen">>
<<widget "loc_HomeBathroom">>
<<img "room" "HomeBathroom">>
<<set $player.location = "Home - Bathroom">>
<<set $player.loc = "Home - Bathroom">>
<<widget "loc_AllisonsRoom">>
<<img "room" "AllisonsRoom">>
<<set $player.location = "Home - $'s Room">>
<<set $player.loc = "home_allisonsroom">>
<<widget "loc_DebbiesRoom">>
<<img "room" "DebbieRoom">>
<<set $player.location = "Home - $'s Room">>
<<set $player.loc = "Debbie's Room">>
<<widget "loc_Arena">>
<<png "room" "jlaarena">>
<<set $player.location = "JLA - Arena">>
<<widget "loc_Arena">>
<<png "room" "jlameetingroom">>
<<set $player.location = "JLA - Meeting Room">>
<<widget "loc_Lab1">>
<<img "room" "Lab">>
<<set $player.location = "JLA – Lab 1">>
<<widget "loc_JLAReception">>
<<img "room" "Reception">>
<<set $player.location = "JLA-Reception">>
<<widget "loc_BatgirlsLivingRoom">>
<<img "room" "BatgirlLivingroom">>
<<set $player.location = "Barbara's Living Room">>
<<widget "loc_JLABathroom">>
<<png "room" "jlabathroom">>
<<set $player.location = "JLA – Bathroom">>
<<widget "loc_Subway">>
<<img "room" "Subway">>
<<set $player.location = "Gotham – Subway">>
<<widget "loc_SummoningRoom">>
<<img "room" "SummoningRoom">>
<<set $player.location = "Haven College – Summoning Room">>
<<widget "loc_Brig">>
<<png "room" "jlabrig">>
<<set $player.location = "JLA-Brig">>
<<widget "loc_Bar">>
<<img "room" "Bar">>
<<set $player.location = "The Twisted Broom">>
<<widget "loc_Library">>
<<img "room" "Library">>
<<set $player.location = "Haven College - Library">>
<<widget "loc_Diner">>
<<img "room" "Diner">>
<<set $player.location = "Moonlight Diner">>
<<widget "loc_Shop">>
<<img "room" "Shop">>
<<set $player.location = "Oddities Shop">>
<<widget "loc_Church">>
<<img "room" "Church">>
<<set $player.location = "Church">>
<<widget "loc_ClothingStore">>
<<img "room" "stores">>
<<set $player.location = "Clothing Store">>
<<widget "loc_GothamDowntown">>
<<set $player.location = "Downtown Gotham">>
<<widget "loc_GrannyLins">>
<<img "room" "stores">>
<<set $player.location = "Granny Lin's">>
<<widget "loc_BatgirlsApartment">>
<<img "room" "BatgirlAPT">>
<<set $player.location = "Batgirl's Apartment">>
<<widget "loc_CirceQuarters">>
<<img "room" "circequarters">>
<<set $player.location = "Circe's Quarters">>
<<widget "loc_HaileyQuarters">>
<<img "room" "HaileyQuarters">>
<<set $player.location = "Hailey's Quarters">>
<<widget "loc_BatgirlsCell">>
<<img "room" "batgirlscell">>
<<set $player.location = "Batgirl's Cell">>
<<widget "loc_ZatannaCell">>
<<img "room" "batgirlscell">>
<<set $player.location = "Zatanna's Cell">>
<<widget "t1">>@@color:skyblue;+1hr@@<</widget>>
<<widget "t2">>@@color:skyblue;+2hr@@<</widget>>
<<widget "s1">>@@.loss;♥@@<</widget>>
<<widget "s2">>@@.loss;♥♥@@<</widget>>
<<widget "s3">>@@.loss;♥♥♥@@<</widget>>
<<widget "new">>@@color:skyblue;//New!//@@<</widget>>
<span id="output">\
• <<click "Zzzzzzzzzzzzz">>
<<replace "#output">>\
• [[Continue...|Room-Morning]]
''It's $, $time.month $time.calendarDay.''
• [[Arise|Room]]
<<img "misc" "Mirror">>\
You look in the mirror...
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-2">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-1-2">\
<div class="module">\
''Name: ''$ $player.surname
''Gender: ''$player.gender $player.tfSuffix
''Chest: ''$player.bSize
''Ass: ''$player.aSize
<<if $player.hasPenis>>\
''Penis: ''$player.pSize
<<elseif $player.hasPussy>>\
''Vagina: ''$player.vSize
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
''Name: ''$ $player.surname
''Gender: ''$player.gender $player.tfSuffix
''Chest: ''$player.bSize
''Ass: ''$player.aSize
<<if $player.hasPenis>>\
''Penis: ''$player.pSize
<<elseif $player.hasPussy>>\
''Vagina: ''$player.vSize
<<switch $player.gender>>\
<<case "Male">>\
''The mirror shows the evidence of your exposure to LexCorp chemicals. You stand shorter than before, and your frame is slight. You could potentially pass as female if not for the <<pSize>> between your legs. You have a toned <<aSize>> which you're aware is more sensitive than before your accident. Your <<bSize>> can hardly be considered manly either. Your hair is;$player.hDesc@@.''
<<if $player.penis($XL)>>\
''You have a huge penis!''
<<elseif $player.penis($L)>>\
''You have a large penis!''
<<elseif $player.penis($M)>>\
''You have a medium sized penis!''
<<elseif $player.penis($S)>>\
''You have a small penis!''
<<elseif $player.penis($XS)>>\
''You have a tiny penis!''
• [[Go back|Room]]<<widget "HomeThoughts">>
''It's currently @@$, $time.time@@.You're upstairs in the hallway outside of your room.''
<<switch $>>
<<case "Monday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<case "Night">>
<<case "Tuesday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<case "Night">>
<<case "Wednesday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<case "Night">>
<<case "Thursday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<case "Night">>
<<case "Friday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<case "Saturday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<case "Night">>
<<case "Sunday">>
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<widget "JLAThoughts">>
''It's currently @@$, $time.time@@. You're standing in the reception area of the Justice League.''
<<switch $time.time>>
<<case "Morning">>
<<case "Late Morning">>
<<case "Noon">>
<<case "Early Afternoon">>
<<case "Afternoon">>
<<case "Evening">>
<<case "Night">>
<</widget>><<set $wHead=0>>
<<set $wNeck=0>>
<<set $wTop=0>>
<<set $wBottom=0>>
<<set $wUnderwear=0>>
<<set $wBra=0>>
<<set $wSocks=0>>
<<set $wShoes=0>>
<<set $wAccf=0>>
<<set $wAccb=0>>
<<set $clHead=[]>>
<<set $clNeck=[]>>
<<set $clTop=[]>>
<<set $clBottom=[]>>
<<set $clUnderwear=[]>>
<<set $clBra=[]>>
<<set $clSocks=[]>>
<<set $clShoes=[]>>
<<set $clAccf=[]>>
<<set $clAccb=[]>>
<<set $clHead[0]={
name: "None",
type: "Headwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: true,
cost: 0
<<set $clHead[1]={
name: "Glasses",
type: "Headwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 100
<<set $clHead[2]={
name: "Bunny_Ears",
type: "Headwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 75
<<set $clHead[3]={
name: "Maid_Headdress",
type: "Headwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 75
<<set $clHead[4]={
name: "Maid_Headdress",
type: "Headwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 75
<<set $clHead[5]={
name: "Maid_Headdress",
type: "Headwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 75
<<set $clNeck[0]={
name: "None",
type: "Neckwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: true,
cost: 0
<<set $clNeck[1]={
name: "Black Tie",
type: "Neckwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: true,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 30
<<set $clNeck[2]={
name: "Circe's_Necklace",
type: "Neckwear",
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 40
<<set $clNeck[3]={
name: "Red Tie",
type: "Neckwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: true,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 30
<<set $clNeck[4]={
name: "Maid_Collar",
type: "Neckwear",
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 40
<<set $clTop[0]={
name: "None",
type: "Top",
isDress: false,
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
hasCollar: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 0
<<set $clTop[1]={
name: "t-shirt",
type: "Top",
isDress: false,
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: false,
hasCollar: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 15
<<set $clTop[2]={
name: "Polo_Shirt",
type: "Top",
isDress: false,
isGirly: false,
isManly: true,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: false,
hasCollar: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 20
<<set $clTop[3]={
name: "Yellow_Shirt",
type: "Top",
isDress: false,
isGirly: false,
isManly: true,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
hasCollar: true,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 30
<<set $clTop[4]={
name: "ww",
type: "Top",
isDress: false,
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: false,
hasCollar: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 30
<<set $clTop[5]={
name: "Secretary_Dress",
type: "Top",
isDress: true,
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
hasCollar: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 50
<<set $clTop[6]={
name: "Maid Dress",
type: "Top",
isDress: true,
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
hasCollar: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 85
<<set $clTop[7]={
name: "hero_outfit_1",
type: "Top",
isDress: true,
isHero: true,
isGirly: false,
isManly: true,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: false,
hasCollar: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 85
<<set $clTop[8]={
name: "Sexy Hero Outfit",
type: "Top",
isDress: true,
isHero: true,
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: false,
hasCollar: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 85
<<set $clBottom[0]={
name: "None",
isAre: "is",
type: "Bottom",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 0
<<set $clBottom[1]={
name: "Jeans",
isAre: "are",
type: "Bottom",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 30
<<set $clBottom[2]={
name: "Slacks",
isAre: "are",
type: "Bottom",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 35
<<set $clBottom[3]={
name: "Skirt",
isAre: "is",
type: "Bottom",
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 35
<<set $clBottom[4]={
name: "Hero Bottom - Type A",
isAre: "is",
type: "Bottom",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 65
<<set $clUnderwear[0]={
name: "None",
isAre: "is",
type: "Underwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 0
<<set $clUnderwear[1]={
name: "Boxers",
isAre: "are",
type: "Underwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 5
<<set $clUnderwear[2]={
name: "WW_Boxers",
isAre: "are",
type: "Underwear",
isGirly: false,
isManly: true,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 7
<<set $clUnderwear[3]={
name: "Pink Panties",
type: "Underwear",
isAre: "are",
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 50
<<set $clUnderwear[4]={
name: "Silk_Panties",
isAre: "are",
type: "Underwear",
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 70
<<set $clUnderwear[5]={
name: "Debbies_Panties",
isAre: "are",
type: "Underwear",
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 0
<<set $clBra[0]={
name: "None",
isAre: "is",
type: "bra",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 0
<<set $clBra[1]={
name: "Cotton_Bra",
isAre: "is",
type: "bra",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 50
<<set $clBra[2]={
name: "Silk_Bra",
isAre: "is",
type: "bra",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 70
<<set $clBra[3]={
name: "Debbies_Bra",
isAre: "is",
type: "bra",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 0
<<set $clBra[4]={
name: "Chest_Wrap",
isAre: "is",
type: "bra",
isGirly: false,
isManly: true,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 120
<<set $clSocks[0]={
name: "None",
type: "Socks",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 0
<<set $clSocks[1]={
name: "Crews",
type: "Socks",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 5
<<set $clSocks[2]={
name: "Pantyhose",
type: "Socks",
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 6
<<set $clSocks[3]={
name: "Fishnet_Stockings",
type: "Socks",
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 12
<<set $clSocks[4]={
name: "Brown_Pantyhose",
type: "Socks",
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 6
<<set $clShoes[0]={
name: "None",
type: "Shoes",
isHeels: false,
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: false,
cost: 0
<<set $clShoes[1]={
name: "Tennis_Shoes",
type: "Shoes",
isHeels: false,
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: true,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 40
<<set $clShoes[2]={
name: "Dress_Shoes",
type: "Shoes",
isHeels: false,
isGirly: false,
isManly: true,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 50
<<set $clShoes[3]={
name: "High_Heels",
type: "Shoes",
isHeels: true,
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 75
<<set $clShoes[4]={
name: "Hero_Boots",
type: "Shoes",
isHeels: false,
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 75
<<set $clShoes[4]={
name: "Mary_Janes",
type: "Shoes",
isHeels: false,
isGirly: true,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: true,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 75
<<set $clAccf[0]={
name: "None",
type: "Accessory (F)",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: true,
cost: 0
<<set $clAccf[1]={
name: "Dildo",
type: "Accessory (F)",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 100
<<set $clAccf[2]={
name: "Vibrator",
type: "Accessory (F)",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 150
<<set $clAccf[3]={
name: "Chastity Cage",
type: "Accessory (F)",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 500
<<set $clAccf[4]={
name: "Large_Strapon",
type: "Accessory (F)",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 750
<<set $clAccb[0]={
name: "None",
type: "Accessory (B)",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: true,
equipped: true,
cost: 0
<<set $clAccb[1]={
name: "Buttplug",
type: "Accessory (B)",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 350
<<set $clAccb[2]={
name: "Vibrator",
type: "Accessory (B)",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: false,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 500
<<set $clAccb[3]={
name: "Draconic_Dildo",
type: "Accessory (B)",
isGirly: false,
isManly: false,
isSlutty: true,
isCasual: false,
isFormal: false,
unlocked: false,
equipped: false,
cost: 600
''You're standing in your closet, wading through various clothing items...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableClothingChange "nd">>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableClothingChange "nd">>
<<include ClothesCheck>>
<<if $player.isDressed>>\
• [[Go back|Room]]
//I should put on some more clothes before I leave...//
<</if>>\''You browse through your selection of bottoms...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableBottom nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]''You browse through your selection of headwear...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableHead nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]''You browse through your selection of neckwear...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableNeck nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]''You browse through your selection of underwear...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter underwear>>
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableUnderwear nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter underwear>>
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]''You browse through your selection of socks...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter socks>>
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableSocks nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter socks>>
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]''You browse through your selection of shoes...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableShoes nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]''You browse through your selection of tops...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableTop nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]<<CheckClothing>>
<<if $wTop == 0 or ($wBottom == 0 and not $clTop[$wTop].isDress) or $wShoes == 0>>\
<<if $wTop == 0 and $wBottom == 0 and $wUnderwear == 0 and $wSocks == 0 and $wShoes == 0>>\
Streaker! Streaker! Eh not a great idea.
You could walk out half dressed but the thought of being part of the Fashion Faux Pas segment on Gotham News 9 makes you rethink your decision. Make sure you're wearing a top, a bottom and some shoes.
<<set $player.isDressed to false>>\
<<if $wTop != 0 and ($wBottom != 0 or $clTop[$wTop].isDress) and $wShoes != 0>>\
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isDress>>
''You're wearing a <<top>> and a pair of <<shoes>>.''
''You're wearing a <<top>> and <<bottom>>, and a pair of <<shoes>>.''
<<if $player.isDressedCasual>>\
''You are dressed casually, good enough to go out.''
<<elseif $player.isDressedFormal>>\
''You are dressed very nicely, and appear professional.''
<<set $player.isDressed to true>>\
<<if $player.isAnalPlugged>>\;''The <<accb>> shoved up your ass is making you feel excited.''@@
<<if $player.isChastity>>\;''The Lex9000 <<accf>> imprisoning you <<pSize>> is making you feel naughty and excited.''@@
<<if $player.isCrossdressed>>\
<<if $player.isMale>>\;''Wearing women's clothing is making you feel excited.''@@
<<elseif $player.isFemale>>\;''Wearing masculine clothing is making you feel excited.''@@
<<print $ += 1>>\
<<set $ += 1>>\
<<set _x = $HomeEvents.random()>>\
<<print _x>>
<<switch _x>>\
<<case 0>>
As you leave your room you see walking down the hall.
<<nm $allison "Hey $, there's a load of laundry in 's room and I'm running late. Can you grab it and throw it in the washer downstairs?">>
She looks at you expectantly and you realize this is more of a command than a request.
<<nm $player "Sure $, I'll take care of it right now."
<<nm $allison "Thanks sweetie!">>
You duck into your 's room and make a bee line for the laundry basket on the floor. Regardless of $ asking you to enter the room, you know that if $ catches you in here she will bitch you out.
Next to the basket you notice a pair of silky pink panties that must have fallen off the pile. You pick them up and get ready to throw them back in the basket.
<<Thought "Wow these are sexy, I bet $ must look hot in these....">>\
<span id="event0">\
<<if $player.horny < 90>>\
• <<click "Throw them back on top of the pile">>
<<replace "#event0">>\
<<nm $player "Shit what am I doing? I need to get this laundry into the machine and get out of here.">>\
You quickly throw the panties on the pile then bound downstairs with the basket. After unceremoniously dumping the laundry into the washer, you pour what you think is the correct amount of detergent into the washer and turn it on. Mission accomplished, you then go about your business.
• [[Continue|Home]]
• <<click "Hold on to them">>
<<replace "#event0">>\
You're enamored with the feeling of the silky fabric and you subconciously start to put the panties down the front of your pants before you catch yourself.
<<Thought "What's come over me? I can't start being a panty thief, besides I'm a guy it's not like I could..should wear them, right?">>\
Somehow despite your self pep talk, you shove the panties down the front of your pants.;$clUnderwear[5].name added to inventory@@
<<tfm "fem">>
<<levelStat $player 'corruption' 1 100 >>
<<lust $player 10 50>>
<<set $clUnderwear[5].unlocked to true>>\
<<RemoveEvent $HomeEvents 0>>\
• [[Continue|Home]]
<<case 1>>
This shouldn't Trigger
Your phone starts buzzing in your pocket. Pulling it out you're shocked to see Hailey's face staring back at you.
<<span id="event1">>
"Hello $, we need to see you in our location downtown. It's important so please come quickly."
The screen then goes back to it's normal homescreen.
<<Thought "This is crazy, how were they able to get into my phone? I better go see what they want.">>
<<set $player.flag.homesec to true>>
<<set $HomeEvents.delete(2)>>
• [[Continue|Home]]
<<case 2>>
Case 2
<span id="event2">
Your phone starts buzzing incessantly in your pocket.
<<click "Answer the phone">>
<<replace "#event2">>
You pull out the phone and are shocked to see Hailey's face staring back at you.
<<nm $hailey "Hello $, we need to see you in our location downtown. It's important so please come quickly.">>
The screen then goes back to it's normal homescreen.
<<Thought "This is crazy, how were they able to get into my phone? I better go see what they want.">>
<<set $player.flag.labonce to true>>
<<set $player.flag.homesec to true>>
<<set $circelab1 to "Active">>
<<set $HomeEvents.delete(2)>>
• [[Continue|Home]]
<<case 3>>
<<png "home" "rositamaidquest1">>
You walk into the kitchen and see Rosita bending over and mopping the floor. She isn't aware of you but her motions cause her maid skirt to bounce up and down and you think you may be able to bend down and get a glance of her panties.
Suddenly you hear Allison call out from down the hall and you jump, the newly mopped foor cause your legs to go out from underneath you and you crash into Rosita!!!
You try to pull yourself up awkwarly and looking down you see Rosita's sheer black panties do nothing to cover her pussy and dark bush. She looks at you astonished.
<<png "home" "rositamaidquest2">>
<<nm $rosita "¡Qué susto! What are you doing?">>
<<nm $player "I'm so sorry it was a mistake, I slipped..">>
Just then Allison comes upon the scene.
<<nm $allison "What the hell are you doing $ $ made it into the company dance team! She's too busy to fund raise and her competition expenses are going through the roof, and now you're trying to assault our maid??">>
<<png "home" "rositamaidquest3">>
<<nm $player "No I slipped it was an accident!">>
<<Thought "Oh crap I'm in big trouble.">>
<<nm $allison "Rosita are you ok?">>
<<nm $rosita "Si Ms. Allison, I'm a little sore but I can finish the mopping.">>
<<nm $allison "Absolutely not Rosita. You take the day off. $ will finish mopping. And don't worry you'll recieve your full pay for today.">>
<<nm $player "But it was an accident..">>
<<nm $allison "I think maybe you should pay Rosita for today $!">>
<<nm $rosita "Miss Allison, as $ said, I think it was an accident, I feel bad that he saw my panties and intimate place. I'm a little sore but I will be ok.">>
<<nm $allison "Well I think it makes sense if $ helps you for a few weeks. Would that make it up to you?">>
<<nm $rosita "Oh Ms. Allison, there is nothing to make up but si, I wouldn't mind some extra help due to the soreness.">>
<<Thought "Wait, what the fuck just happened. Should I go along with this or put a stop to the trying to make me into a maid?">>
<span id="event3">
• <<click "Say you'll help with house chores">>
<<replace "#event3">>
<<nm $player "I guess you're right $, I live here so it's only fair I help you and Rosita out.">>
Allison's demeanor changes drastically, she hops up and down and kisses you on the cheek.
<<nm $allison "Oh sweetie, that's wonderful! I'm so glad you're willing to help out. Come see me in the mornings and I'll give you your tasks.">>
Allison walks away, her hips swaying beneath her robe.
<<nm $rosita "We will begin your training next time, si?">>
<<Thought "Wait! Did she say training? What did I just get myself into?">>
<<set $player.flag.maid == 1>>
<<set $HomeEvents.delete(3)>>
<<set $HomeEvents.push(4)>>
• [[Continue|Home]]
<<if $player.genderi < 0>>
• <<click "Offer to Pay instead">>
<<replace "#event3">>\
<<nm $player "Seriously Allison, I don't really have time to commit to cleaning up, and frankly it's a little demeaning for me to be someone's house bitch. But you're right, I live here and need to chip in. I'll start giving you cash from my new job.">>
Allison looks at you skeptically.
<<nm $allison "I've heard this before about your ship coming in.">>
<<nm $player "No, I'm being totally serious. I'll give you $100 after I get paid. And that's just to start.">>
Allison's eyes light up.
<<nm $allison "Hmm, well if that's just the start then fine. But if you don't have money then you're definitely going to be, as you say, my housebitch!">>
Allison twirls around, her robe coming up and exposing her pantied ass. She then walks away quickly, swaying her hips side to side.
Rosita seems a bit disappointed then shuffles off leaving you alone.
<<nm $player "Great, where am I going to get $100, maybe Trinity will be able to help?">>
<<set $player.flag.makemoney == 1>>
<<set $HomeEvents.delete(3)>>
<<set $HomeEvents.push(4)>>
• [[Continue|Home]]
<<case 4>>
<<png "event" "meanwhile">>
<span id="event4">
• <<click "Meanwhile ...while you are out">>
<<replace "#event4">>
<<nm $allison "Oh hello Ms. Milton, but I'm afraid $ isn't home if you need to discuss the case.">>
<<nm $circe "Yes I know he's not home, we actually came to talk to you and your daughter.">>
<<nm $allison "Really? I appreciate you coming here but as I told you when $ first started this ridiculous lawsuit, LexCorp is one company you don't want to screw around with.">>
<<nm $circe "Yes, LexCorp is quite formidable. But I wanted to get your thoughts on a settlement we were recently offered. Something in the seven figures. Being his closest family, I'm sure you would benefit from $ having that money.">>
<<nm $debbie "Seven figures? Holy shit we could get a nice flat with a view of the bay!">>
<<nm $allison "Debbie..hush. Now um, Ms can we help?">>
<<nm $circe "Oh we just need to speed a few things up, and I just needed you both to voluntarily let me in to your house, and also be willing to acquiece to my instructions.">>
<<nm $allison "I...I don't think I understand.">>
<<nm $circe "Here let me show you.">>
Ms. Milton AKA Circe takes out a crystal pendant on the end of a chain and starts swinging it back and forth.
<<video "circehypno">>
<<nm $circe "That's it my pets, let the crystal catch your eye.">>
<<nm $allison "Y...yes mistress.">>
<<nm $debbie "Yes mistress.">>
<<nm $circe "Good. Very good. Your greed makes you so easy to corrupt. Now you're going to help me keep $ in check. But first, a little fun with your delicious bodies.">>
<<nm $allison "Yes Mistress.">>
<<nm $debbie "Yes Mistress.">>
<<set $HomeEvents.delete(4)>>
<<set $HomeEvents.push(5)>>
<<set $HomeEvents.push(7)>>
<<set $player.flag.circehomevisit to true>>
• [[Sometime later you come home to an unusually quiet flat|Home]]
<<case 5>>
Bathroom Event placeholder
<span id="event5">\
• <<click "Peek in bathroom">>
<<replace "#event5">>
<<video "debfinger1">>
You peek in the bathroom and see Debbie fingering herself.
<<levelStat $player 'corruption' 1 100>>
• [[Continue|Home][$time.passTime(1)]] - <<t1>>
• <<click "Don't peek">>
<<replace "#event5">>
You go back.
• [[Continue|Home][$time.passTime(1)]] - <<t1>>
<<case 6>>
The family is hanging out in the living room.
<<png "event" "familylivingroom1">>
• [[Continue|Home]]
<<case 7>>
Rosita is here and cleaning the kitchen. She's mopping the floor in her maid outfit, her large breasts swing slightly back and forth as she works.
<<png "home" "Rosita1">>
<span id="abreak0">\
<<if $player.stats.mindcontrol[0] == 1>>
• <<click "Use hypno powers on Rosita">>
<<replace "#abreak0">>\
You summon your powers and focus on Rosita.
<<nm $player "Rosita, I think you would clean better without that top don't you?">>
Rosita looks up at you slightly astonished.
<<nm $rosita "$, I'm not sure I understand?">>
<<nm $player "Uh sorry Rosita, I was saying that I wiped off the top of my dresser, you know, so it's clean.">>
<<nm $rosita "Ok, I'm going back to my cleaning now, si?">>
<<$player "Sure, talk to you later.">>
Rosita turns her back on you.
<<Thought "Damn, I need more practice. That's all I need is for my $allison.relationship to get on my case about harassing Rosita.">>
• [[Go back to the hallway|Home][$time.passTime(1)]]
<<elseif $player.stats.mindcontrol[0] gte 1>>
• <<click "Use hypno powers on Rosita">>
<<replace "#abreak0">>
You summon your powers and focus on Rosita
<<nm $player "Rosita, I think you would clean better without that top don't you?">>
Rosita's head droops slightly her hands come up and she pulls down the top of her maid outfit, exposing her massive maid MILF titties.
<<nm $player "Rosita, your tits are magnifico! I bet you'll clean so much better with them out. But just make sure you pull up your top if you see my $allison.relationship or my $debbie.relationship around.">>
<<png "home" "rositaflash1">>
<<nm $rosita "Si $, the cleaning tips are much appreciated.">>
<<levelStat $player 'mindcontrol' 1 10>>
<<nm $player "No problem Rosita.">>
<<Thought "Heh heh, I can't wait to give her more "tips".>>
• [[Continue|Home]]
<<case 8>>
Allison calls to you the foyer. You show up and see John Stewart aka the Green Lantern talking to Allison.
<<nm $allison "Wow I know $ had geeky friends but you fill out that superhero tshirt pretty well.">>
<<nm $john "Uh thanks ma'am. Is $ around?">>
You step further into the foyer so John can see you.
<<Thought "He obviously didn't see me because he was focused on Allison's massive tits.">>
<<nm $player "Hi John. How are you?">>
<<nm $john "I'm good. I just wanted to swing by and know how uh..our magician friend is doing. I haven't heard anything since you and Barbara took her to get help and I haven't seen Barbara around lately.">>
<<nm $player "Oh she's doing really well, I'm guessing she'll be back to 100% in a few weeks. Did you want to come upstairs and hang out for a bit?">>
<<nm $john "Sorry can't right now. Maybe some other time.">>
<<nm $allison "Oh yes you need to swing by. Actually I'll be inviting another friend of mine over and it would be nice if $ could have a friend over as well. We could have a little tea party. And don't say no, I insist.">>
Allison hands John her phone.
<<nm $allison "Just put your contact details in there.">>
Allison bends forward a little as she thrusts her phone towards him making sure he gets a good view of her cleavage.
<<nm $john "Um..ok">>
<<nm $allison "Good boy.">
<<nm $john "I'l see you around $ Ma'am looking forward to the tea party, thanks again for the invite.">>
<<Thought "I really hope Allison doesn't embarass me.">>
<<if $player.genderi gte 0>>
<<set $HomeEvents.push(9)>>
<<set $HomeEvents.delete(8)>>
• [[Continue|Home]]
<<case 9>>
Allison calls to you the foyer. You show up and see John Stewart and Nurse Helen there.
<<nm $allison "Oh good! Thank you for both coming on short notice but I just thought it would be a great time to get together. $ was also really looking forward to serving the both of you.">>
<<Thought "Serving? What is she talking about?">>
<<nm $allison "Now John and $, why don't you look at tis pretty trinket a friend gave me.">>
<<nm $john "What the hell..are you trying to hypno.....yeah that's pretty.">>
Your eyes catch the sparkly ball along with John, and you feel your will soften.
Helen and John move past you and into the living room while Allison walks up to you.
<<nm $allison "Don't just stand there, go get changed.">>
<<nm $player "Changed? I don't understand.">>
<<nm $allison "Rosalita isn't around and our guests need to be served. Now go get changed into your servants outfit and get the drinks out of the kitchen. They're sitting there waiting for you.">>
<<png "home" "teapartyjohnhelen7">>
You obediently nod and dart up the stairs and get changed.
<<Thought "It feels so good to serve.">>
A few minutes later you enter the Living Room with drinks in hand. John is relaxed on the couch sitting next to Helen and hardly reacts to you in a maid outfit at all.
<<nm $allison "Oh hello $ I was just showing Helen and your friend John here this pretty gem your lawyer got me. Come take another look.">>
You glance over at Allison and your eyes are caught once gain by the gem on the end of the swinging pendant.
Allison is saying something but her words just seem to flow through you until you zone back in.
<<nm $allison "So $, you have the drinks...who would you most like to serve today?">>
<<Thought "My brain is so foggy. I just feel so horny right now, I must obey and serve. Mistress would want this. It will make her happy.">>
<span id="event0">\
• <<click "Serve John">>
<<replace "#event0">>\
You saunter over to John, making sure your hips push the skirt up as you walk to try to show off your panties.
<<nm $player "Hello sir, here's your drink, can I get you anything else?">>
You glance down at what is a noticeably large bulge growing in his pants.
<<nm $john "I love how that outfit looks on you. You're very pretty.">>
As you blush, you notice Helen reach over and unzip John's pants. John doesn't even seem to notice, he just keeps staring in your eyes.
<<nm $allison "Oh dear, show your friend here the free equipment you got from work. Most places get give you a laptop, but LexChem has given little $ here something more fitting to his submissive nature.">>
Your face flushes and you obediently raise up your skirt, showing him your caged and flacid cock. John reaches out and cradles your imprisoned cock and balls in his large manly hand.
<<png "home" "teapartyjohnhelen2">>
<<nm $john "Daaaaamn, you let them put this on you?">>
<<nm $helen "Oh he..or should I say she...was right willing weren't you? Such a good servant of LexChem.">>
<<nm $player "'s not that bad. It was proper punishment for me not following the corporate guidelines.">>
<<nm $allison "I wish $ had taken this job a few years ago.">>
As the ladies banter John continues to fondle your clitty and you look down at his crotch and bite your lip.
<<nm $helen "Well we know what you're interested in. Go ahead and service your friend here. We'll watch.">>
John gets up and shuffles out of his pants and lays down on the floor. You lay down across his muscular stomach and starts to massage his massive cock.
<<nm $allison "That's it my little whore, go ahead and take that huge cock in your mouth. Oh my, you're actually drooling because you can't wait! What a cock whore!">>
It's true, a thin line of saliva sliped out the side of your mouth and is making a small pool on John's pelvis. John's already oversexed personality has been greatly increased by the hypnotic suggestions of Allison and he can't wait anymore.
<<nm $john "Suck my dick already bitch. Fit it all in that soft mouth of yours.">>
<<nm $allison "What do you say, my little slut?">>
<<nm $player "Yes sir, it's my pleasure to serve you.">>
The ladies laugh at your words as you start to suckle on the tip of John's head. Even just the little that is in your mouth now seems like too much due to your inexperience at giving blowjobs.
John bucks his hips causing more of the shaft to enter your mouth and throat and your eyes widen in shock.
<<png "home" "teapartyjohnhelen3">>
<<nm $player "Murph...urgle ummff!">>
Allison leans down and massages Johns balls as you suck him off.
<<levelStat $player 'penis' 1 100 >>
Your jaw starts to hurt after several minutes of your sloppy blowjob and Allison seemingly decides to take mercy.
<<nm $allison "I'm sorry John, but this one is still a bit inexperienced. We should give her mouth a rest.">>
<<nm $john "Damn, I'm still so fucking hard. You gonna help me out then?">>
<<nm $allison "Oh I'll help, but I said her mouth was tired, not her ass. Come here.">>
Allison takes her robe and bra off and rolls you onto your stomach.
<<nm $allison "Ass up whore.">>
You get up on your knees and subconsiously wiggle your ass a bit.
<<Thought "He..he's going to enter me...">>
You feel his cock head press up against your puckered asshole, and then you feel what seems to be almost a beer can sized shaft push into you.
<<png "home" "teapartyjohnhelen6">>
You cry out, your voice seemingly a few octives higher than normal.
<<nm $player "Unnmmff...yes...please...please fuck me. Take me John!">>
John starts to rhythmically fuck you in your ass while Allison encourages him by rubbing her massive tits against his chest.
<<nm $allison "That's right baby, dump your load in her tight pussy. She wants it so bad don't you. Tell him slut! Tell your master you want it!">>
<<nm $player "Unf..yes...please Master. Fill me up!">>
John grunts loudly and obliges, soon you feel what seems to be a massive amount of warm liquid being shot straight into your ass.
<<nm $allison "Oh that's right, fill him up with your babymaker.">>
Your eyes roll up in your head and your legs give out as he pulls his dick out of your ass, leaving you splayed out on the floor.
<<levelStat $player 'anal' 1 100 >>
<<nm $john "Damn that was good...">>
<<nm $allison " was good wasn't it? But I think it's time for you to go. And just remember you had a great time here at your friends house but stay fuzy on the details.">>
<<nm $john "Yeah I should go...">>
Allison looks down at you...
<<nm $allison "Fuzzy for you too my dear. You'll just remember..">>
Your brain goes hazy and pink.
<<levelStat $player 'corruption' 1 100 >>
<<tfm "fem">>
• [[Wake up in your Room|Home][$time.passTime(1)]]
• <<click "Serve Helen">>
<<replace "#event0">>\
Placeholder for event.
<<tfm "fem">>
<<levelStat $player 'corruption' 1 100 >>
<<RemoveEvent $HomeEvents 0>>\
• [[Continue|Room]]
<<case 10>>
Your $allison.relationship calls you down to the foyer.
You round the corner and Raven is there talking to your $allison.relationship!
<<nm $raven "Oh hey $, I was just telling your $allison.relationship that you didn't mind me swinging by.">>
<<nm $allison "Yes, Rachel here tells me she's Barbara's friend too. That's two girls stopping by this month. More than the last 10 years!">>
<<nm $player "I think it's been more than that..but uh..yeah hi Rachel.">>
<<nm $allison "Oh Rachel you're just in time, Rosita baked some cookies earlier. Do you like cookies?">>
<<nm $raven "Cookies? Sure, I mean, I don't go crazy over them about how our friend Megan goes over Oreos but.....">>
<<nm $allison "Oh great! Wow you're very cute and exotic.">>
<<nm $player "Um ok, I guess we can go to my room and chill Rav er Rachel?">>
<<nm $allison "Oh no, you're not going to steal this sweet thing away from me.">>
A chain drops from Allison's hand, on the end if a blue crystal.
<<png "home" "ravenvisit1">>
<<nm $allison "Why don't you both take a look at this. Look deeply. Think of how yummy cookies are. I bet your mouth is watering.">>
You feel your brain become consumed by a pink fog. All you can do is blankly stare at the interaction between Allison and Raven.
<<nm $raven "Mmm yes. I'm so in the mood for cookies.">>
<<nm $allison "Good. Why don't you join me in the living room for some tasty cookies. $ you can follow us but you just get to watch. Understood?">>
<<nm $player "Yes $allison.relationship. Anything you say.">>
<<nm $allison "Such a good little obidient slut $">>
You follow Raven and Allison into the living room and Allison orders you to sit down.
Through the foggy pink haze in your mind you see Allison and Raven start to make out.
<<png "home" "ravenvisit2">>
Some time later the fog clears you're sitting on the floor in the Foyer by yourself.
<<Thought "Shit, what the fuck happened? Where's Raven? Did I really see my $allison.relationship make out with Raven? Anyway, I better get up off the floor and get moving.">>
• [[Continue|Home]]
<<case 11>>
Allison calls to you the foyer. You show up and see John Stewart and Nurse Helen there.
<<nm $allison "Oh good! Thank you for both coming on short notice but I just thought it would be a great time to get together. $ was also really looking forward to serving the both of you.">>
<<Thought "Serving? What is she talking about?">>
<<nm $allison "Why don't the both of you go to the living room and get comfortable. I'll be along shortly.">>
Helen and John move past you and into the living room while Allison walks up to you.
<<nm $allison "Don't just stand there, go get changed.">>
<<nm $player "What do you mean get changed, what's wrong with what I'm wearing?">>
<<nm $allison "Rosalita isn't around and our guests need to be served. Now go get changed into your servants outfit and get the drinks out of the kitchen. They're sitting there waiting for you.">>
You start to open your mouth but Allison shoots you a look. You sigh and trudge up the stairs and get changed.
<<Thought "I can't believe I'm doing this. And in front of John! He's going to think I'm a total weirdo.">>
A few minutes later you enter the Living Room with drinks in hand. John is relaxed on the couch sitting next to Helen and hardly reacts to you in a maid outfit at all.
<<nm $allison "Oh hello $ I was just showing Helen and your friend John here this pretty gem your lawyer got me. Come take a look.">>
You glance over at Allison and your eyes are caught by the gem.
Allison is saying something but her words just seem to flow through you until you zone back in.
<<nm $allison "So $, you have the drinks...who would you most like to serve today?">>
<<Thought "My brain is so foggy. I just feel so horny right now, I must obey and serve. Mistress would want this. It will make her happy.">>
<span id="event0">\
• <<click "Serve John">>
<<replace "#event0">>\
You saunter over to John, making sure your hips push the skirt up as you walk to try to show off your panties.
<<nm $player "Hello sir, here's your drink, can I get you anything else?">>
You glance down at what is a noticeably large bulge growing in his pants.
<<nm $john "I love how that outfit looks on you. You're very pretty.">>
As you blush, you notice Helen reach over and unzip John's pants. John doesn't even seem to notice, he just keeps staring in your eyes.
<<nm $helen "Well we know what you're interested in. Go ahead and service your friend here. We'll watch.">>
• [[Continue|Room]]
• <<click "Serve Helen">>
<<replace "#event0">>\
You're enamored with the feeling of the silky fabric and you subconciously start to put the panties down the front of your pants before you catch yourself.
<<Thought "What's come over me? I can't start being a panty thief, besides I'm a guy it's not like I could..should wear them, right?">>\
Somehow despite your self pep talk, you shove the panties down the front of your pants.;$clUnderwear[5].name added to inventory@@
<<tfm "fem">>
<<levelStat $player 'corruption' 1 100 >>
<<lust $player 10 50>>
<<set $clUnderwear[5].unlocked to true>>\
<<RemoveEvent $HomeEvents 0>>\
• [[Continue|Home]]
<</switch>><<set $player={
name: "",
lastName: "",
surname: "",
location: "Title Screen",
money: 300,
portrait: "",
style: "you",
dayEventCD: 0,
maxHP: 50,
HP: 50,
maxMP: 10,
MP: 10,
AC: 10,
attack: 2,
damage: 2,
speed: 10,
gold: 10,
XP: 0,
levelUp: 100,
level: 1,
hairCD: -1,
lust: 0,
dom: 50,
jla: false,
jlafirst: false,
jlabathroom: true,
gender: "",
genderi: 0,
genderType: "",
identity: "",
punchdmg: 3,
shielddmg: 3,
pill: false,
arousalaura: false,
hasPenis: false,
hasPussy: false,
hasBreasts: false,
penisSize: 0,
breastSize: 0,
pussySize: 0,
assSize: 0,
hairLength: 0,
hairMax: 1,
hairGrow: false,
pSize: "",
bSize: "",
vSize: "",
aSize: "",
hLength: "Bald",
hDesc: "completely shaved off",
pregnantBy: "",
barnhypno: 0,
oddities: false,
yellowvial: 0,
batgirlarenadefeat: 0,
wwarenadefeat: 0,
isMale: true,
isFemale: false,
metVelma: 0,
broomraven: 0,
broomstargirl: 0,
broomsupergirl: 0,
lexchemlab: 0,
lexchemlab1: 0,
stats: {
feminized: [0,0,0,0,0],
bimbofication: [0,0,0,0,0],
humiliation: [0,0,0,0,0],
corruption: [0,0,0,0,0],
intelligence: [0,0,0,0,0],
strength: [0,0,0,0,0],
charisma: [0,0,0,0,0],
willpower: [0,0,0,0,0],
telekenesis: [0,0,0,0,0],
mindcontrol: [0,0,0,0,0],
shield: [0,0,0,0,0],
brawl: [0,0,0,0,0],
jla: [0,0,0,0,0],
makeupskill: [0,0,0,0,0],
heelskill: [0,0,0,0,0],
oralskill: [0,0,0,0,0],
analskill: [0,0,0,0,0],
whoring: [0,0,0,0,0],
housekeeping: [0,0,0,0,0],
penis: [0,0,0,0,0],
cum: [0,0,0,0,0],
piss: [0,0,0,0,0],
bestiality: [0,0,0,0,0],
bdsm: [0,0,0,0,0],
bondage: [0,0,0,0,0],
canFuck: function() {
if (this.isChastity || this.isSissy) {
return false;
} else {
if (this.hasPenis || this.isWearingStrapon) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
tfMilestone: 75,
tfChange: false,
tfStateChange: false,
stateChange: "",
tfSuffix: "",
tfRate: 1,
tfCD: 0,
tfForever: 15,
tfMaleXP: 0,
tfFemaleXP: 0,
tfTransXP: 0,
tfMaleTemp: 0,
tfFemaleTemp: 0,
tfTransTemp: 0,
tfMaleClothingTemp: 0,
tfFemaleClothingTemp: 0,
tfTransClothingTemp: 0,
daysMale: 0,
daysFemale: 0,
tfMale: function(tf,gen) {
if (this.gender == gen) {
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * tf) + 3;
this.tfMaleTemp += x;
this.dom += 2;
tfFemale: function(tf,gen) {
if (this.gender == gen) {
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * tf) + 3;
this.tfFemaleTemp += x;
tfTrans: function(tf,gen) {
if (this.gender == gen) {
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * tf) + 3;
this.tfTransTemp += x;
isDressed: false,
isDressedSlutty: false,
isDressedFormal: false,
isDressedCasual: false,
isDressedManly: false,
isDressedGirly: false,
isCrossdressed: false,
isWearingUnderwear: false,
isWearingBra: false,
isFrontPlugged: false,
isAnalPlugged: false,
isChastity: false,
isWearingStrapon: false,
makeup: 0,
isWearingMakeup: false,
wearingMakeup: ["no",";light@@",";heavy@@"],
makeupLevel: ["None","Light Makeup","Slutty Makeup"]
/* Character Meet */
<<set $player.met={
allison: false,
debbie: false,
batgirl: false,
lin: false,
janitor: false,
diana: false,
stargirl: false,
supergirl: false,
raven: false,
circe: false,
hailey: false,
trinity: false,
powergirl: false,
wondergirl: false,
lois: false,
/* Player Flag */
<<set $player.flag={
tutorial: false,
startArena: false,
meetBatgirl: false,
computer: false,
homesec: false,
monmezzed: false,
event1: false,
batgirldom: 0,
maid: 0,
makemoney: 0,
inari: 0,
stargirl: true,
supergirl: false,
raven: true,
stargirlquest: true,
churchvisit: false,
gendermachine1: 0,
lexfirst: true,
ravencoffee: 0,
lexlabcard: false,
wwapt: false,
wwapartment: false,
circehomevisit: false,
<<set $player.lexcorp={
initiation: false,
visithr: false,
visitmanager: false,
visitreception: false,
internwork1: 0,
/* Inventory Variables */
<<set $player.has={
coffee: false,
tea: false,
beer: false,
redvial: false,
<<set $roomchange = true>>
<<set $currentcall = false>>
<<set $tutText = "">>
<<set $options={
<<set $circe={
name: "Circe",
firstName: "Donna",
lastName: "Milton",
portrait: "Circe",
style: "circe",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
convoCD: 0,
eventCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Vilaness",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
lust: 0,
arousal: 0,
love: 30,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 100,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $circe.flag={
startTraining: false
<<set ${
schedule1: false,
schedule2: false
<<set $killerfrost={
name: "Killer Frost",
firstName: "Caitlin",
lastName: "Snow",
portrait: "Frost",
style: "circe",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
convoCD: 0,
eventCD: 0,
isinCell: false,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Vilaness",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
lust: 0,
arousal: 0,
love: 30,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 100,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $circe.flag={
startTraining: false
<<set ${
schedule1: false,
schedule2: false
<<set $batgirl={
name: "Batgirl",
firstName: "Barbara",
lastName: "Gordon",
portrait: "Batgirl",
style: "batgirl",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
convoCD: 0,
visits: 0,
arena: true,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Heroine",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
HP: 30,
MP: 10,
AC: 10,
maxAttacks: 1,
attacks: 1,
attack: 2,
damage: 2,
armor: 4,
poison: 0,
poisonChance: 0,
speed: 12,
money: 30,
XP: 30,
matBonus: 20,
lust: 0,
love: 30,
arousal: 50,
carousal: 50,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
nude: false,
dom: 65,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set ${
budget1: true
<<set $batgirl.flag={
makeCMD1: false,
unlockApartment: false,
sex: false,
oral: false,
apartmentOral: false
<<set $diana={
name: "Wonder Woman",
firstName: "Diana",
lastName: "Prince",
portrait: "Diana",
style: "diana",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
arena: true,
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
arousal: 0,
carousal: 0,
dates: 0,
nude: false,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Heroine",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
matBonus: 20,
HP: 30,
MP: 10,
AC: 10,
maxAttacks: 1,
attacks: 1,
attack: 2,
damage: 2,
armor: 4,
poison: 0,
poisonChance: 0,
speed: 12,
money: 30,
XP: 30,
lust: 0,
love: 30,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 65,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $diana.flag={
unlockApartment: false,
<<set $nate={
name: "Nate",
oldName: "Nate",
portrait: "Nate",
style: "nate",
isMale: true,
isFemale: false,
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
doseCD: 0,
convoCD: 0,
rapeCD: -1,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Black Market Dealer",
seeDick: false,
lust: 0,
love: 15,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 85,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $nate.flag={
shopunlock: false,
likesplayer: false
<<set $debbie={
name: "Debbie",
portrait: "Debbie",
style: "debbie",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
doseCD: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Cousin",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
lust: 0,
love: 30,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 35,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
isHome: function () {
if ($time.isWeekend() && $time.isAfternoon()) {
return false;
} else if ($time.isNight() && this.isSlut) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
<<set $debbie.flags={
nateDefeat: false
<<set $hailey={
name: "Hailey",
portrait: "Hailey",
style: "hailey",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Secretary",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
lust: 0,
love: 30,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 65,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) < $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $hailey.flag={
hacked: false,
<<set $lin={
name: "Granny Lin",
portrait: "Lin",
style: "lin",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
doseCD: 0,
convoCD: 0,
dom: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Shopkeeper",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
lust: 0,
love: 15,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
cumCount: 0,
orgasm: false,
dom: 30,
first: 0,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $lin.flag={
massagestep: 0,
recruit: false,
<<set $raven={
name: "Raven",
firstName: "Raven",
portrait: "Raven",
style: "raven",
isFemale: true,
isMale: false,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Heroine",
lust: 0,
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
love: 30,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 95,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $supergirl={
name: "Supergirl",
portrait: "Supergirl",
style: "supergirl",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Heroine",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
lust: 0,
love: 45,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 65,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set ${
budget1: true
<<set $supergirl.flag={
makeCMD1: false,
unlockApartment: false,
sex: false,
oral: false,
apartmentOral: false
<<set $allison={
name: "Allison",
portrait: "Allison",
style: "allison",
isMale: false,
isFemale: false,
isTrans: false,
genderReveal: false,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
doseCD: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Aunt",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
lust: 0,
love: 30,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 35,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
isHome: function () {
if ($time.isWeekend() && $time.isAfternoon()) {
return false;
} else if ($time.isNight() && this.isSlut) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
<<set ${
nateDefeat: false
<<set $allison.flag={
hadCoffee: false,
caughtPegging: false,
caughtMasturbating: false
<<set $allisoncontrol={
coffee: false,
morningMasturbate: false,
coffeeKiss: false,
nateDom: false,
oral: false,
sex: false,
slut: false,
wedding: false
<<set $hippolyta={
name: "Hippolyta",
portrait: "Hippolyta",
style: "hippolyta",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
isinCell: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
doseCD: 0,
dateCD: 0,
dates: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Diana's Mother",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
lust: 0,
love: 45,
cum: 0,
cumMin: 0,
cumMax: 10,
orgasm: false,
dom: 65,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $hippolyta.flag={
unlockApartment: false,
<<set $powergirl={
name: "Power Girl",
firstName: "Kara",
lastName: "Zor-El",
portrait: "powergirl",
style: "powergirl",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
dates: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Heroine",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
matBonus: 20,
lust: 0,
love: 20,
orgasm: false,
dom: 65,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $wondergirl={
name: "Wonder Girl",
firstName: "Cassie",
lastName: "Sandsmark",
portrait: "Cassie",
style: "wondergirl",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
dates: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Heroine",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
matBonus: 20,
lust: 0,
love: 20,
dom: 65,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $trinity={
name: "Trinity",
firstName: "Trinity",
lastName: "",
portrait: "Trinity",
style: "trinity",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
dates: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Computer Assistnat",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
matBonus: 20,
lust: 0,
love: 40,
dom: 50,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $stargirl={
name: "Stargirl",
firstName: "Courtney",
lastName: "Whitmore",
portrait: "Stargirl",
style: "stargirl",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
dates: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Heroine",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
matBonus: 20,
lust: 0,
love: 40,
dom: 50,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $zatanna={
name: "Zatanna",
firstName: "Zatanna",
lastName: "Zatara",
portrait: "Zatanna",
style: "zatanna",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
hasPenis: false,
dates: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Heroine",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
matBonus: 20,
lust: 0,
love: 40,
dom: 50,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $lois={
name: "Lois",
firstName: "Lois",
lastName: "Lane",
portrait: "lois",
style: "rosita",
isMale: false,
isFemale: true,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
hasPenis: false,
dates: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Reporter",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
matBonus: 20,
lust: 0,
love: 40,
dom: 50,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $john={
name: "Green Lantern",
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Stewart",
portrait: "john",
style: "rosita",
isMale: true,
isFemale: false,
isPregnant: false,
pregnantBy: "",
hypno: 0,
corrupt: 0,
hasPenis: true,
dates: 0,
convoCD: 0,
status: "Normal",
relationship: "Super Hero",
seeDick: false,
seePussy: false,
seeBreasts: false,
matBonus: 20,
lust: 0,
love: 40,
dom: 50,
domReveal: false,
domCheck: function(d) {
if ((this.dom + d) <= $player.dom) {
return true;
<<set $rman={name:"Innocent Bystander",portrait:"man",style:"men"}>>
<<set $rwoman={name:"Female Bystander",portrait:"woman",style:"woman"}>>
<<set $uwoman={name:"Unknown Female",portrait:"woman",style:"woman"}>>
<<set $barbara={name:"Barbara Gordon",portrait:"Barbara",style:"barbara"}>>
<<set $newsm={name:"Male Announcer",portrait:"man",style:"man"}>>
<<set $newsf={name:"Female Announcer",portrait:"woman", style:"woman"}>>
<<set $inari={name:"DA Jones",portrait:"inari", style:"woman"}>>
<<set $mayor={name:"Mayor Tannuci",portrait:"mayor", style:"woman"}>>
<<set $kimiko={name:"Dr. Ikari",portrait:"ikari", style:"ikari"}>>
<<set $lex={name:"Lex Luthor",portrait:"lex", style:"lex"}>>
<<set $matron={name:"Matron Ilsa",portrait:"matron", style:"lex"}>>
<<set $hydrac={name:"Commander Schloss",portrait:"schloss", style:"schloss"}>>
<<set $prost1={name:"Chastity",portrait:"woman",style:"woman"}>>
<<set $prost1={name:"Eve",portrait:"woman",style:"woman"}>>
<<set $mcop={name:"Male Cop",portrait:"man",style:"men"}>>
<<set $fcop={name:"Female Cop",portrait:"woman",style:"woman"}>>
<<set $michelle={name:"Michelle",portrait:"michelle",style:"michelle"}>>
<<set $helen={name:"Helen",portrait:"helen",style:"helen"}>>
<<set $rosita={name:"Rosita",portrait:"rosita",style:"rosita"}>>
<<set $robin={name:"Robin",portrait:"robin",style:"rosita"}>>
<<set $june={name:"June",portrait:"june",style:"rosita"}>>
<<set $stacey={name:"Stacey",portrait:"stacey",style:"rosita"}>>
<<set $harley={name:"Harley Quinn",portrait:"harley",style:"rosita"}>>
<<set $velma={name:"Velma",portrait:"velma",style:"rosita"}>>
<<set $meiko={name:"Meiko",portrait:"meiko",style:"rosita"}>>
<<set $harper={name:"Harper",portrait:"harper",style:"rosita"}>><<set $SDebbieRoom=[1,2]>>
<<set $AllisonRoom=[1,2]>>
<<set $Arena=[1,2]>>
<<set $BatgirlRoom=[1,2]>>
<<set $DianaRoom=[1,2]>>
<<set $LexOffice=[1,2]>>
<<set $LexLunchroom=[1,2]>>
<<set $AllisonConvo=[1]>>
<<set $DebbieConvo=[1]>>
<<set $BatgirlConvo=[1,2]>>
<<set $DianaConvo=[1,2,6]>>
<<set $SupergirlConvo=[1,2]>>
<<set $NateConvo=[1,2]>>
<<set $CirceConvo=[1,2]>>
<<set $AllisonConvoCD=[]>>
<<set $DebbieConvoCD=[]>>
<<set $BatgirlConvoCD=[]>>
<<set $DianaConvoCD=[]>>
<<set $SupergirlConvoCD=[]>>
<<set $NateConvoCD=[]>>
<<set $CirceConvoCD=[]>>''You browse through your selection of toys...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter accf>>
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableAccf nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter accf>>
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]<<widget "UnderwearOrPants">>
<<if $player.isWearingUnderwear>>
<<widget "StraponOrCock">>
<<if $player.isWearingStrapon>>
<<if $args[1]>>
<<widget "Head">>
<<widget "head">>
<<set _x = $clHead[$wHead].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<widget "Neck">>
<<widget "neck">>
<<set _x = $clNeck[$wNeck].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<widget "Top">>
<<widget "top">>
<<set _x = $clTop[$wTop].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<widget "Bottom">>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isDress>>
<<if $args[0]>>
$clBottom[$wBottom].name $clBottom[$wBottom].isAre
<<widget "bottom">>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isDress>>
<<set _x = $clBottom[$wBottom].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<if $args[0]>>
_x $clBottom[$wBottom].isAre
<<widget "Underwear">>
<<if $args[0]>>
$clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].isAre
<<widget "underwear">>
<<set _x = $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<if $args[0]>>
_x $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].isAre
<<widget "Bra">>
<<if $args[0]>>
$clBra[$wBra].name $clBra[$wBra].isAre
<<widget "bra">>
<<set _x = $clBra[$wBra].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<if $args[0]>>
_x $clBra[$wBra].isAre
<<widget "Socks">>
<<widget "socks">>
<<set _x = $clSocks[$wSocks].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<widget "Shoes">>
<<widget "shoes">>
<<set _x = $clShoes[$wShoes].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<widget "Accf">>
<<widget "accf">>
<<set _x = $clAccf[$wAccf].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<widget "Accb">>
<<widget "accb">>
<<set _x = $clAccb[$wAccb].name.toLowerCase()>>
<<widget "CheckClothing">>
<<set $player.isCrossdressed to false>>
<<set $player.isDressedCasual to false>>
<<set $player.isDressedFormal to false>>
<<set $player.isDressedSlutty to false>>
<<set $player.isDressedManly to false>>
<<set $player.isDressedGirly to false>>
<<set $player.isWearingUnderwear to false>>
<<set $player.isWearingBra to false>>
<<set $player.isWearingStrapon to false>>
<<set $player.isFrontPlugged to false>>
<<set $player.isAnalPlugged to false>>
<<set $player.isChastity to false>>
<<if $wUnderwear != 0>>
<<set $player.isWearingUnderwear to true>>
<<if $wBra != 0>>
<<set $player.isWearingBra to true>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isDress>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBottom to 0, $clBottom[0].equipped to true>>
<<if $wAccf is 1 or $wAccf is 2>>
<<set $player.isFrontPlugged to true>>
<<if $wAccf is 3>>
<<set $player.isChastity to true>>
<<if $wAccf is 4>>
<<set $player.isWearingStrapon to true>>
<<if $wAccb is not 0>>
<<set $player.isAnalPlugged to true>>
<<set _Manly = 0>>
<<set _Girly = 0>>
<<set _Slutty = 0>>
<<set _Formal = 0>>
<<set _Casual = 0>>
<<if $clHead[$wHead].isManly>><<set _Manly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clHead[$wHead].isGirly>><<set _Girly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clHead[$wHead].isSlutty>><<set _Slutty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clHead[$wHead].isFormal>><<set _Formal += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clHead[$wHead].isCasual>><<set _Casual += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clNeck[$wNeck].isManly>><<set _Manly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clNeck[$wNeck].isGirly>><<set _Girly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clNeck[$wNeck].isSlutty>><<set _Slutty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clNeck[$wNeck].isFormal>><<set _Formal += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clNeck[$wNeck].isCasual>><<set _Casual += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isManly>><<set _Manly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isGirly>><<set _Girly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isSlutty>><<set _Slutty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isFormal>><<set _Formal += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isCasual>><<set _Casual += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBottom[$wBottom].isManly>><<set _Manly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBottom[$wBottom].isGirly>><<set _Girly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBottom[$wBottom].isSlutty>><<set _Slutty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBottom[$wBottom].isFormal>><<set _Formal += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBottom[$wBottom].isCasual>><<set _Casual += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].isManly>><<set _Manly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].isGirly>><<set _Girly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].isSlutty>><<set _Slutty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].isFormal>><<set _Formal += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].isCasual>><<set _Casual += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBra[$wBra].isManly>><<set _Manly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBra[$wBra].isGirly>><<set _Girly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBra[$wBra].isSlutty>><<set _Slutty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBra[$wBra].isFormal>><<set _Formal += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clBra[$wBra].isCasual>><<set _Casual += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clSocks[$wSocks].isManly>><<set _Manly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clSocks[$wSocks].isGirly>><<set _Girly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clSocks[$wSocks].isSlutty>><<set _Slutty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clSocks[$wSocks].isFormal>><<set _Formal += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clSocks[$wSocks].isCasual>><<set _Casual += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isManly>><<set _Manly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isGirly>><<set _Girly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isSlutty>><<set _Slutty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isFormal>><<set _Formal += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isCasual>><<set _Casual += 1>><</if>>
<<if $ > 0>><<set _Girly += 1>><</if>>
<<if $ == 2>><<set _Slutty += 1>><</if>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isGirly and $clBottom[$wBottom].isGirly>>
<<set _Girly += 2>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].isManly and $clBottom[$wBottom].isManly>>
<<set _Manly += 2>>
<<if _Manly > _Girly>><<set $player.isDressedManly to true>><</if>>
<<if _Girly > _Manly>><<set $player.isDressedGirly to true>><</if>>
<<if _Formal >= 3>><<set $player.isDressedFormal to true>><</if>>
<<if _Casual >= 3>><<set $player.isDressedCasual to true>><</if>>
<<if _Slutty >= 3>><<set $player.isDressedSlutty to true>><</if>>
<<if $player.isMale and $player.isDressedGirly>><<set $player.isCrossdressed to true>><</if>>
<<if $player.isFemale and $player.isDressedManly>><<set $player.isCrossdressed to true>><</if>>
<</widget>>''You browse through your selection of toys...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter accb>>
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableAccb nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter accb>>
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]<<set $Days=["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]>>
<<set $Times=["Morning", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Night"]>>
<<set $time={
day: "",
time: "",
dayCount: 1,
calendarDay: "",
month: "November",
cTime: 4,
cDay: 4,
isJanuary: function(d) {
return (this.month == "January" && this.dayCount == d);
isFebruary: function(d) {
return (this.month == "February" && this.dayCount == d);
isMarch: function(d) {
return (this.month == "March" && this.dayCount == d);
isApril: function(d) {
return (this.month == "April" && this.dayCount == d);
isMay: function(d) {
return (this.month == "May" && this.dayCount == d);
isJune: function(d) {
return (this.month == "June" && this.dayCount == d);
isJuly: function(d) {
return (this.month == "July" && this.dayCount == d);
isAugust: function(d) {
return (this.month == "August" && this.dayCount == d);
isSeptember: function(d) {
return (this.month == "September" && this.dayCount == d);
isOctober: function(d) {
return (this.month == "October" && this.dayCount == d);
isNovember: function(d) {
return (this.month == "November" && this.dayCount == d);
isDecember: function(d) {
return (this.month == "December" && this.dayCount == d);
isMonday: function() {
return (this.cDay % 7 == 1);
isTuesday: function() {
return (this.cDay % 7 == 2);
isWednesday: function() {
return (this.cDay % 7 == 3);
isThursday: function() {
return (this.cDay % 7 == 4);
isFriday: function() {
return (this.cDay % 7 == 5);
isSaturday: function() {
return (this.cDay % 7 == 6);
isSunday: function() {
return (this.cDay % 7 == 0);
isWeekend: function() {
return (this.cDay % 7 == 6 || this.cDay % 7 == 0);
isMorning: function() {
return (this.cTime == 0);
isNoon: function() {
return (this.cTime == 1);
isAfternoon: function() {
return (this.cTime == 2);
isEvening: function() {
return (this.cTime == 3);
isNight: function() {
return (this.cTime == 4);
check: function(m,d,t) {
return ((this.month == m || m == 0) && (this.dayCount == d || d == 0) && (this.time == t || t == 0));
getDay: function(cD) { = $Days[cD];
getTime: function(cT) {
this.time = $Times[cT];
return this.time;
newDay: function() {
this.dayCount += 1;
this.cTime = 0;
if (this.cDay == 6) {
this.cDay = 0;
} else {
this.cDay += 1;
if (this.dayCount >= 32 && this.month == "January") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "February";
if (this.dayCount >= 29 && this.month == "February") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "March";
if (this.dayCount >= 32 && this.month == "March") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "April";
if (this.dayCount >= 31 && this.month == "April") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "May";
if (this.dayCount >= 32 && this.month == "May") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "June";
if (this.dayCount >= 31 && this.month == "June") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "July";
if (this.dayCount >= 32 && this.month == "July") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "August";
if (this.dayCount >= 32 && this.month == "August") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "September";
if (this.dayCount >= 31 && this.month == "September") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "October";
if (this.dayCount >= 32 && this.month == "October") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "November";
if (this.dayCount >= 31 && this.month == "November") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "December";
if (this.dayCount >= 32 && this.month == "December") {
this.dayCount = 1;
this.month = "January";
this.time = $Times[this.cTime]; = $Days[this.cDay];
return this.time;
passTime: function(h) {
this.cTime += h;
$player.stamina += h;
$state1 = 0;
$state2 = 0;
$action = "";
$allison.orgasm = false;
$debbie.orgasm = false;
$batgirl.orgasm = false;
$circe.orgasm = false;
$nate.orgasm = false;
$allison.cum -= 1;
$debbie.cum -= 1;
$batgirl.cum -= 1;
$circe.cum -= 1;
$nate.cum -= 1;
if ($ConvoCD > 0) {
$ConvoCD -= 1;
if (this.cTime > 4) {
this.cTime = 0;
this.cDay += 1;
this.dayCount += 1;
if (this.cDay > 6) {
this.cDay = 0;
this.time = $Times[this.cTime]; = $Days[this.cDay];
return this.time;
<<set $ = $time.getDay($time.cDay)>>
<<set $time.time = $time.getTime($time.cTime)>><<widget "ConversationCheck">>
<!--==| Allison |===================================================-->
<!--==| Debbie |==| ??? |=============================================-->
<</widget>><<set $game.devmode to true>>\
<<button "Add $$10,000">>
<<set $ += 10000>>\
<<button "Zero Money">>
<<set $ = 0>>\
Force Home EventID: <<textbox "$game.devEventID" "0">>
• [[Launch Event|HomeEvents]]
Force Work EventID: <<textbox "$game.devEventID" "0">>
• [[Launch Event|SchoolEvents]]
• [[Go Home|Home]]
• [[Go to Work|Justice League]]
• [[Go to bed|Room-GotoBed]]
• [[Go to sleep|Room-Sleep]]<<loc_GothamDowntown>>
<<if not $time.isNight()>>\
<<if $wTop == 7>>
<<set $wTop = 3>>
<<set $wBottom = 1>>
<<set $eventchance = random(1,3)>>
<<if $eventchance eq 1>> /% Start $event %/
<<include GothamEvents>>
''It's currently @@$, $time.time@@. You're standing in the bustling downtown of Gotham City. People stroll browsing the shops..''
<img src="pics/map/Gotham Map.jpg" usemap="#gotham">
<map name="gotham">
<area shape="rect" alt="Circe's Lab" title="Circe's Lab" coords="240,587,149,562" data-passage="Circe-Lab">
<area shape="rect" alt="Daily Planet" title="Daily Planet" coords="340,579,438,600" data-passage="Daily Planet">
<area shape="rect" alt="City Hall" title="City Hall" coords="419,647,489,667" data-passage="City Hall">
<area shape="rect" coords="247,693,343,715" data-passage="LexCorp">
<<if $player.jla>>
<area shape="rect" coords="471,573,576,593" data-passage="Justice League">
<area shape="rect" coords="305,346,404,364" data-passage="Granny-Lin">
<area shape="rect" coords="380,383,470,423" data-passage="Batgirls-Apartment">
<area shape="rect" coords="585,487,662,530" data-passage="Church">
<area shape="rect" coords="277,206,336,232" data-passage="Home">
• [[Go to Circe's Lab|Circe-Lab]]
[[Go to Granny Lin's Shop|Granny-Lin]]
• [[Go to Batgirl's Apartment|Batgirls-Apartment]]
<<if $player.jla>>\
• [[Go to Justice League|Justice League]]
<<if $player.flag.wwapt>>
• [[Go to Wonder Woman's Apartment|WW-Apartment]]
• [[Go to Mysterious Cathedral|Church][$c=0]]
• [[Go to Daily Planet|Daily Planet]]
• [[Go back to Home|Home]]
<<set $wTop = 7>>
''It's currently @@$, $time.time@@. Streetlights cast eerie shadows and the alleys have become particularly menacing.''
<<Thought "It's getting late I better go home if I'm not going to patrol.">>\
• [[Go back to Home|Home]]
// JavaScript source code
<<widget "StatReset">>
<<if $browser.detectmob()>>
<<set $MobileMode to true>>
<<set $MobileMode to false>>
<<if $ConvoCD < 0>><<set $ConvoCD to 0>><</if>>
<<if $player.stamina > $player.staminaMax>>
<<set $player.stamina to $player.staminaMax>>
<<if $player.stamina < 0>>
<<set $player.stamina to 0>>
<<if $player.dom < 0>><<set $player.dom to 0>><</if>>
<<if $player.dom > 100>><<set $player.dom to 100>><</if>>
<<if $player.genderi < (-50)>>
<<set $player.genderi to (-50)>>
<<elseif $player.genderi > 50>>
<<set $player.genderi to 50>>
<<if $player.hasPenis and $player.penisSize < 1>>
<<set $player.penisSize to 1>>
<<elseif not $player.hasPenis>>
<<set $player.penisSize to 0>>
<<if $player.isMale>>
<<set $player.gender to "Male">>
<<elseif $player.isFemale>>
<<set $player.gender to "Female">>
<<elseif $player.isTrans>>
<<set $player.gender to "Trans">>
<<set $player.gender to "Trans">>
<<if $player.breastSize > 100>>
<<set $player.breastSize to 100>>
<<elseif $player.breastSize < 0>>
<<set $player.breastSize to 0>>
<<if $player.penisSize > 100>>
<<set $player.penisSize to 100>>
<<elseif $player.penisSize < 0>>
<<set $player.penisSize to 0>>
<<if $player.pussySize > 100>>
<<set $player.pussySize to 100>>
<<elseif $player.pussySize < 0>>
<<set $player.pussySize to 0>>
<<if $player.assSize > 100>>
<<set $player.assSize to 100>>
<<elseif $player.assSize < 0>>
<<set $player.assSize to 0>>
<<if $player.breastSize >= 75>>
<<set $player.bSize to "Large">>
<<elseif $player.breastSize >= 50>>
<<set $player.bSize to "Medium">>
<<elseif $player.breastSize >= 25>>
<<set $player.bSize to "Small">>
<<elseif $player.breastSize >= 1>>
<<set $player.bSize to "Tiny">>
<<elseif $player.breastSize is 0>>
<<set $player.bSize to "Flat">>
<<if $player.penisSize >= 75>>
<<set $player.pSize to "Large">>
<<elseif $player.penisSize >= 50>>
<<set $player.pSize to "Medium">>
<<elseif $player.penisSize >= 25>>
<<set $player.pSize to "Small">>
<<elseif $player.penisSize >= 1>>
<<set $player.pSize to "Tiny">>
<<elseif $player.penisSize is 0 or not $player.hasPenis>>
<<set $player.pSize to "None">>
<<if $player.pussySize >= 75>>
<<set $player.vSize to "Gaping">>
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 50>>
<<set $player.vSize to "Loose">>
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 25>>
<<set $player.vSize to "Average">>
<<elseif $player.pussySize >= 1>>
<<set $player.vSize to "Tight">>
<<elseif $player.pussySize is 0>>
<<if $player.isFemale>>
<<set $player.vSize to "Virgin">>
<<set $player.vSize to "None">>
<<if $player.assSize >= 75>>
<<set $player.aSize to "Gaping">>
<<elseif $player.assSize >= 50>>
<<set $player.aSize to "Loose">>
<<elseif $player.assSize >= 25>>
<<set $player.aSize to "Average">>
<<elseif $player.assSize >= 1>>
<<set $player.aSize to "Tight">>
<<elseif $player.assSize is 0>>
<<set $player.aSize to "Virgin">>
<<if $player.hairLength < 0>>
<<set $player.hairLength to 0>>
<<elseif $player.hairLenth > 6>>
<<set $player.hairLength to 6>>
<<switch $player.hairLength>>
<<case 6>>
<<set $player.hLength to "Very Long">>
<<set $player.hDesc to "is so long and flowing that it hides the top of your ass.">>
<<case 5>>
<<set $player.hLength to "Long">>
<<set $player.hDesc to "is luxurious and falls down to the middle of your back">>
<<case 4>>
<<set $player.hLength to "Medium-Long">>
<<set $player.hDesc to "straight and hanging past your shoulders">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $player.hLength to "Medium-Short">>
<<set $player.hDesc to "down to your shoulders and styled.">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $player.hLength to "Short">>
<<set $player.hDesc to "short and stylish with a reddish tint.">>
<<case 1>>
<<set $player.hLength to "Very Short">>
<<set $player.hDesc to "a typical male cut, short and gelled up.">>
<<case 0>>
<<set $player.hLength to "Bald">>
<<set $player.hDesc to "completely shaved off">>
<<set $player.isCompleteDom to false>>
<<set $player.isVeryDom to false>>
<<set $player.isDom to false>>
<<set $player.isCompleteSub to false>>
<<set $player.isVerySub to false>>
<<set $player.isSub to false>>
<<if $player.dom >= 99>>
<<set $player.isCompleteDom to true>>
<<set $player.isVeryDom to true>>
<<set $player.isDom to true>>
<<elseif $player.dom >= 80>>
<<set $player.isVeryDom to true>>
<<set $player.isDom to true>>
<<elseif $player.dom >= 60>>
<<set $player.isDom to true>>
<<elseif $player.dom >= 40>>
<<elseif $player.dom >= 20>>
<<set $player.isSub to true>>
<<elseif $player.dom >= 2>>
<<set $player.isSub to true>>
<<set $player.isVerySub to true>>
<<elseif $player.dom >= 0>>
<<set $player.isSub to true>>
<<set $player.isVerySub to true>>
<<set $player.isCompleteSub to true>>
<<if $allison.cum < $allison.cumMin>>
<<set $allison.cum to $allison.cumMin>>
<<if $ < 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<if $ > 60>>
<<set $ to 60>>
<<if $allison.lust < 0>>
<<set $allison.lust to 0>>
<<if $allison.lust > 60>>
<<set $allison.lust to 60>>
<<if $allison.dom > 100>>
<<set $allison.dom to 100>>
<<if $allison.dom < 0>>
<<set $allison.dom to 0>>
<<if $allison.convoCD < 0>>
<<set $allison.convoCD to 0>>
<<if $allison.isHome() and $allison.convoCD is 0 and not $HomeConvoPool.includes("allison")>>
<<set $HomeConvoPool.push("allison")>>
<<elseif not $allison.isHome()>>
<<set $HomeConvoPool.delete("allison")>>
<<if $debbie.cum < $debbie.cumMin>>
<<set $debbie.cum to $debbie.cumMin>>
<<if $ < 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<if $ > 60>>
<<set $ to 60>>
<<if $debbie.lust < 0>>
<<set $debbie.lust to 0>>
<<if $debbie.lust > 60>>
<<set $debbie.lust to 60>>
<<if $debbie.dom > 100>>
<<set $debbie.dom to 100>>
<<if $debbie.dom < 0>>
<<set $debbie.dom to 0>>
<<if $debbie.convoCD < 0>>
<<set $debbie.convoCD to 0>>
<<if $debbie.isHome() and $debbie.convoCD is 0 and not $HomeConvoPool.includes("debbie")>>
<<set $HomeConvoPool.push("debbie")>>
<<elseif not $debbie.isHome()>>
<<set $HomeConvoPool.delete("debbie")>>
<<if $batgirl.cum < $batgirl.cumMin>>
<<set $batgirl.cum to $batgirl.cumMin>>
<<if $ < 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<if $ > 60>>
<<set $ to 60>>
<<if $batgirl.lust < 0>>
<<set $batgirl.lust to 0>>
<<if $batgirl.lust > 60>>
<<set $batgirl.lust to 60>>
<<if $batgirl.dom > 100>>
<<set $batgirl.dom to 100>>
<<if $batgirl.dom < 0>>
<<set $batgirl.dom to 0>>
<<if $supergirl.cum < $supergirl.cumMin>>
<<set $supergirl.cum to $supergirl.cumMin>>
<<if $ < 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<if $ > 60>>
<<set $ to 60>>
<<if $supergirl.lust < 0>>
<<set $supergirl.lust to 0>>
<<if $supergirl.lust > 60>>
<<set $supergirl.lust to 60>>
<<if $supergirl.dom > 100>>
<<set $supergirl.dom to 100>>
<<if $supergirl.dom < 0>>
<<set $supergirl.dom to 0>>
<<if $nate.cum < $nate.cumMin>>
<<set $nate.cum to $nate.cumMin>>
<<if $ < 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<if $ > 60>>
<<set $ to 60>>
<<if $nate.lust < 0>>
<<set $nate.lust to 0>>
<<if $nate.lust > 60>>
<<set $nate.lust to 60>>
<<if $nate.dom > 100>>
<<set $nate.dom to 100>>
<<if $nate.dom < 0>>
<<set $nate.dom to 0>>
<<if $AllisonConvo.length is 0>>
<<set $HomeConvoPool.delete("allison")>>
<<if $DebbieConvo.length is 0>>
<<set $HomeConvoPool.delete("debbie")>>
<<if $CirceConvo.length is 0>>
<<set $ArenaConvoPool.delete("circe")>>
<<if $BatgirlConvo.length is 0>>
<<set $ArenaConvoPool.delete("batgirl")>>
<<if $NateConvo.length is 0>>
<<set $ArenaConvoPool.delete("nate")>>
<<if $SupergirlConvo.length is 0>>
<<set $ArenaConvoPool.delete("supergirl")>>
<<if $DianaConvo.length is 0>>
<<set $ArenaConvoPool.delete("diana")>>
<</widget>><<switch $c>>\
<<case 0>>\ /* Sleep */
<span id="output">\
• <<click "You feel the comforting darkness envelop you...">>
<<replace "#output">>\
• [[Continue...|Room-Morning]]
<</switch>><<widget "EnableEvents">>
<</widget>><<widget "scene">>
/* Base scene building */
<<set _bg to "pics/room/"+$args[0]+".png">>
<<set _a1 to "pics/actors/">>
<<set _a2 to "pics/actors/">>
<<set _a3 to "pics/actors/">>
<<set _a4 to "pics/actors/">>
<<set _arg to ["x","x","x","x","x"], _ch to [], _ex to [], _bd to [], _sp to ["x","x","x","x","x"]>>
<<if $args[1]>><<set _arg[1] to $args[1]>><</if>>
<<if $args[2]>><<set _arg[2] to $args[2]>><</if>>
<<if $args[3]>><<set _arg[3] to $args[3]>><</if>>
<<if $args[4]>><<set _arg[4] to $args[4]>><</if>>
/* Parse NPC Data*/
/* Check for Character */
<<for _cCheck=1;_cCheck<5;_cCheck++>>
<<if _arg[_cCheck] isnot "x">>
<<if _arg[_cCheck].includes("circe")>>
<<set _ch[_cCheck] to "circe">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("hailey")>>
<<set _ch[_cCheck] to "hailey">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("batgirl")>>
<<set _ch[_cCheck] to "batgirl">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("diana")>>
<<set _ch[_cCheck] to "diana">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("victoria")>>
<<set _ch[_cCheck] to "victoria">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("diana")>>
<<set _ch[_cCheck] to "diana">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("tasha")>>
<<set _ch[_cCheck] to "tasha">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("brock")>>
<<set _ch[_cCheck] to "brock">>
/* Check for Outfit */
<<if _arg[_cCheck].includes("-d-")>>
<<set _bd[_cCheck] to "default">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("-naked-")>>
<<set _bd[_cCheck] to "naked">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("-alt-")>>
<<set _bd[_cCheck] to "alt">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("-alt_naked-")>>
<<set _bd[_cCheck] to "naked-alt">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("-naked_hard-")>>
<<set _bd[_cCheck] to "naked-hard">>
<<set _bd[_cCheck] to "default">>
/* Check for Expression */
<<if _arg[_cCheck].includes("-n-")>>
<<set _ex[_cCheck] to "default">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("-aroused-")>>
<<set _ex[_cCheck] to "aroused">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("-happy-")>>
<<set _ex[_cCheck] to "happy">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("-embarrassed-")>>
<<set _ex[_cCheck] to "embarrassed">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("-angry-")>>
<<set _ex[_cCheck] to "angry">>
<<elseif _arg[_cCheck].includes("-sad-")>>
<<set _ex[_cCheck] to "sad">>
<<set _ex[_cCheck] to "default">>
/* Check for Special Conditions */
<<if _ch[_cCheck] is "mom">>
<<if $mom.hasCollar>>
<<set _sp[_cCheck] to "collar">>
/* Player Gender and Image Directories */
<<set _g to $player.gender>>
<<set _pp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/body/">>
<<set _cp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/clothes/">>
<<set _doll to _pp + "base.png">>
<<set _dollHead to _pp + "head/">>
<<set _dollHair to _pp + "hair/" + $player.hairLength + ".png">>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isHeels>>
<<set _dollFeet to _pp + "feet_heels.png">>
<<set _dollFeet to _pp + "feet.png">>
/* Bust Size */
<<set _dollBust to _pp + "chest/" + $player.bSize + ".png">>
<<switch $player.bSize>>
<<case "Large">>
<<set _bs to "large/">>
<<case "Medium">>
<<set _bs to "med/">>
<<case "Small">>
<<set _bs to "small/">>
<<case "Tiny">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
<<case "Flat">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
/* Crotch Size */
<<set _dollCrotch to _pp + "crotch/" + $player.pSize + ".png">>
<<switch $player.pSize>>
<<case "Large">>
<<set _cs to "large/">>
<<case "Medium">>
<<set _cs to "med/">>
<<case "Small">>
<<set _cs to "med/">>
<<case "Tiny">>
<<set _cs to "med/">>
<<case "None">>
<<set _cs to "flat/">>
<<if $MobileMode>>
<div id="sceneMobile">
/* Draw Background */
<<= '<img class="bg" src="' + _bg + '">'>>
/* Draw NPC if not Player */
<<if not $args[1].includes("player")>>
/* Draw NPC */
<<= '<img class="a1" src="' + _a1 + _ch[1] + "/body/" + _bd[1] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="a1" src="' + _a1 + _ch[1] + "/head/" + _ex[1] + '.png">'>>
<<if _sp[1] isnot "x">><<= '<img class="a1" src="' + _a1 + _ch[1] + "/special/" + _sp[1] + '.png">'>><</if>>
/* Draw Player Base */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _doll + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHead + _ex[1] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHair + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollFeet + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollCrotch + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollBust + '">'>>
/* Draw Makeup */
<<if $ > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/makeup/m" + $ + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Anal Accessory */
<<if $wAccb > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accb/" + $clAccb[$wAccb].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Vaginal/Penis Accessory if not wearing Underwear, otherwise Draw Underwear */
<<if not $player.isWearingUnderwear>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accf/" + $clAccf[$wAccf].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Underwear */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/bottom/" + _cs + $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bra */
<<if $wBra > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/top/" + _bs + $clBra[$wBra].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Socks, Adjusting for heels */
<<if $wSocks > 0>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isHeels>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '_heels.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Shoes */
<<if $wShoes > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/shoes/" + $clShoes[$wShoes].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bottoms */
<<if $wBottom > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/bottom/" + $clBottom[$wBottom].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Top */
<<if $wTop > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/top/" + _bs + $clTop[$wTop].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Neck Accessory, Adjusting for Collar */
<<if $wNeck > 0>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].hasCollar>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + "-collar" + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Head Accessory, Adjusting for Bimbo Hair */
<<if $wHead > 0>>
<<if _gt is "bimbo">>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/head/b_" + $clHead[$wHead].name + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/head/" + $clHead[$wHead].name + '.png">'>>
<<if $args[2]>>
/* Draw NPC if not Player */
<<if not $args[2].includes("player")>>
/* Draw NPC */
<<= '<img class="a2" src="' + _a2 + _ch[2] + "/body/" + _bd[2] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="a2" src="' + _a2 + _ch[2] + "/head/" + _ex[2] + '.png">'>>
<<if _sp[2] isnot "x">><<= '<img class="a2" src="' + _a2 + _ch[2] + "/special/" + _sp[2] + '.png">'>><</if>>
/* Draw Player Base */
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _doll + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollHead + _ex[2] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollHair + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollFeet + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollCrotch + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollBust + '">'>>
/* Draw Makeup */
<<if $ > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/makeup/m" + $ + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Anal Accessory */
<<if $wAccb > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/accb/" + $clAccb[$wAccb].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Vaginal/Penis Accessory if not wearing Underwear, otherwise Draw Underwear */
<<if not $player.isWearingUnderwear>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accf/" + $clAccf[$wAccf].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Underwear */
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/bottom/" + _cs + $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bra */
<<if $wBra > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/top/" + _bs + $clBra[$wBra].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Socks, Adjusting for heels */
<<if $wSocks > 0>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isHeels>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '_heels.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Shoes */
<<if $wShoes > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/shoes/" + $clShoes[$wShoes].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bottoms */
<<if $wBottom > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/bottom/" + $clBottom[$wBottom].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Top */
<<if $wTop > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/top/" + _bs + $clTop[$wTop].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Neck Accessory, Adjusting for Collar */
<<if $wNeck > 0>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].hasCollar>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + "-collar" + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Head Accessory, Adjusting for Bimbo Hair */
<<if $wHead > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/head/" + $clHead[$wHead].name + '.png">'>>
<<if $args[3]>>
/* Draw NPC */
<<= '<img class="a3" src="' + _a3 + _ch[3] + "/body/" + _bd[3] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="a3" src="' + _a3 + _ch[3] + "/head/" + _ex[3] + '.png">'>>
<<if _sp[3] isnot "x">><<= '<img class="a3" src="' + _a3 + _ch[3] + "/special/" + _sp[3] + '.png">'>><</if>>
<<if $args[4]>>
/* Draw NPC */
<<= '<img class="a4" src="' + _a4 + _ch[4] + "/body/" + _bd[4] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="a4" src="' + _a4 + _ch[4] + "/head/" + _ex[4] + '.png">'>>
<<if _sp[4] isnot "x">><<= '<img class="a4" src="' + _a4 + _ch[4] + "/special/" + _sp[4] + '.png">'>><</if>>
<div id="scene">
/* Draw Background */
<<= '<img class="bg" src="' + _bg + '">'>>
/* Draw NPC if not Player */
<<if not $args[1].includes("player")>>
/* Draw NPC */
<<= '<img class="a1" src="' + _a1 + _ch[1] + "/body/" + _bd[1] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="a1" src="' + _a1 + _ch[1] + "/head/" + _ex[1] + '.png">'>>
<<if _sp[1] isnot "x">><<= '<img class="a1" src="' + _a1 + _ch[1] + "/special/" + _sp[1] + '.png">'>><</if>>
/* Draw Player Base */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _doll + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHead + _ex[1] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHair + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollFeet + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollCrotch + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollBust + '">'>>
/* Draw Makeup */
<<if $ > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/makeup/m" + $ + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Anal Accessory */
<<if $wAccb > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accb/" + $clAccb[$wAccb].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Vaginal/Penis Accessory if not wearing Underwear, otherwise Draw Underwear */
<<if not $player.isWearingUnderwear>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accf/" + $clAccf[$wAccf].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Underwear */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/bottom/" + _cs + $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bra */
<<if $wBra > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/top/" + _bs + $clBra[$wBra].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Socks, Adjusting for heels */
<<if $wSocks > 0>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isHeels>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '_heels.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Shoes */
<<if $wShoes > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/shoes/" + $clShoes[$wShoes].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bottoms */
<<if $wBottom > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/bottom/" + $clBottom[$wBottom].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Top */
<<if $wTop > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/top/" + _bs + $clTop[$wTop].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Neck Accessory, Adjusting for Collar */
<<if $wNeck > 0>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].hasCollar>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + "-collar" + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Head Accessory, Adjusting for Bimbo Hair */
<<if $wHead > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/head/" + $clHead[$wHead].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bimbo Bang if Bimbo */
<<if $player.hairLength is 6>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollBimboHair + '">'>>
<<if $args[2]>>
/* Draw NPC if not Player */
<<if not $args[2].includes("player")>>
/* Draw NPC */
<<= '<img class="a2" src="' + _a2 + _ch[2] + "/body/" + _bd[2] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="a2" src="' + _a2 + _ch[2] + "/head/" + _ex[2] + '.png">'>>
<<if _sp[2] isnot "x">><<= '<img class="a2" src="' + _a2 + _ch[2] + "/special/" + _sp[2] + '.png">'>><</if>>
/* Draw Player Base */
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _doll + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollHead + _ex[2] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollHair + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollFeet + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollBust + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollCrotch + '">'>>
/* Draw Makeup */
<<if $ > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/makeup/m" + $ + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Anal Accessory */
<<if $wAccb > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/accb/" + $clAccb[$wAccb].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Vaginal/Penis Accessory if not wearing Underwear, otherwise Draw Underwear */
<<if not $player.isWearingUnderwear>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accf/" + $clAccf[$wAccf].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Underwear */
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/bottom/" + _cs + $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bra */
<<if $wBra > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/top/" + _bs + $clBra[$wBra].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Socks, Adjusting for heels */
<<if $wSocks > 0>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isHeels>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '_heels.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Shoes */
<<if $wShoes > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/shoes/" + $clShoes[$wShoes].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bottoms */
<<if $wBottom > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/bottom/" + $clBottom[$wBottom].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Top */
<<if $wTop > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/top/" + _bs + $clTop[$wTop].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Neck Accessory, Adjusting for Collar */
<<if $wNeck > 0>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].hasCollar>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + "-collar" + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Head Accessory, Adjusting for Bimbo Hair */
<<if $wHead > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _cp + "/head/" + $clHead[$wHead].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bimbo Bang if Bimbo */
<<if $player.hairLength is 6>>
<<= '<img class="pa2" src="' + _dollBimboHair + '">'>>
<<if $args[3]>>
/* Draw NPC */
<<= '<img class="a3" src="' + _a3 + _ch[3] + "/body/" + _bd[3] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="a3" src="' + _a3 + _ch[3] + "/head/" + _ex[3] + '.png">'>>
<<if _sp[3] isnot "x">><<= '<img class="a3" src="' + _a3 + _ch[3] + "/special/" + _sp[3] + '.png">'>><</if>>
<<if $args[4]>>
/* Draw NPC */
<<= '<img class="a4" src="' + _a4 + _ch[4] + "/body/" + _bd[4] + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="a4" src="' + _a4 + _ch[4] + "/head/" + _ex[4] + '.png">'>>
<<if _sp[4] isnot "x">><<= '<img class="a4" src="' + _a4 + _ch[4] + "/special/" + _sp[4] + '.png">'>><</if>>
<<widget "DisplayCharacter">>
/* Play Gender and Image Directories */
<<set _g to $player.gender>>
<<set _pp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/body/">>
<<set _cp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/clothes/">>
<<set _doll to _pp + "base.png">>
<<set _dollHead to _pp + "head/default.png">>
<<set _dollHair to _pp + "hair/" + $player.hairLength + ".png">>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isHeels>>
<<set _dollFeet to _pp + "feet_heels.png">>
<<set _dollFeet to _pp + "feet.png">>
/* Bust Size */
<<set _dollBust to _pp + "chest/" + $player.bSize + ".png">>
<<switch $player.bSize>>
<<case "Large">>
<<set _bs to "large/">>
<<case "Medium">>
<<set _bs to "med/">>
<<case "Small">>
<<set _bs to "small/">>
<<case "Tiny">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
<<case "Flat">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
/* Crotch Size */
<<set _dollCrotch to _pp + "crotch/" + $player.pSize + ".png">>
<<switch $player.pSize>>
<<case "Large">>
<<set _cs to "large/">>
<<case "Medium">>
<<set _cs to "med/">>
<<case "Small">>
<<set _cs to "med/">>
<<case "Tiny">>
<<set _cs to "med/">>
<<case "None">>
<<set _cs to "flat/">>
<div id="charFull">
/* Draw Player Base */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _doll + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHead + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHair + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollFeet + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollCrotch + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollBust + '">'>>
/* Draw Makeup */
<<if $ > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/makeup/m" + $ + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Anal Accessory */
<<if $wAccb > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accb/" + $clAccb[$wAccb].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Vaginal/Penis Accessory if not wearing Underwear, otherwise Draw Underwear */
<<if not $player.isWearingUnderwear or $args[0] is "accf">>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accf/" + $clAccf[$wAccf].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Underwear */
<<if $args[0] isnot "accf">>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/bottom/" + _cs + $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accf/" + $clAccf[$wAccf].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bra */
<<if $wBra > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/top/" + _bs + $clBra[$wBra].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Socks, Adjusting for heels */
<<if $wSocks > 0>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isHeels>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '_heels.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Shoes */
<<if $args[0] isnot "socks">>
<<if $wShoes > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/shoes/" + $clShoes[$wShoes].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bottoms */
<<if $args[0] isnot "underwear" and $args[0] isnot "accf" and $args[0] isnot "accb" and $args[0] isnot "socks">>
<<if $wBottom > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/bottom/" + $clBottom[$wBottom].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Top */
<<if not $args[0]>>
<<if $wTop > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/top/" + _bs + $clTop[$wTop].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Neck Accessory, Adjusting for Collar */
<<if $wNeck > 0>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].hasCollar>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + "-collar" + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Head Accessory, Adjusting for Bimbo Hair */
<<if $wHead > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/head/" + $clHead[$wHead].name + '.png">'>>
<<widget "DisplayCharacterPortrait">>
/* Play Gender and Image Directories */
<<set _g to $player.gender>>
<<set _pp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/body/">>
<<set _cp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/clothes/">>
<<set _bg to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "body/bg.png">>
<<set _doll to _pp + "base.png">>
<<set _dollHead to _pp + "head/default.png">>
<<set _dollHair to _pp + "hair/" + $player.hairLength + ".png">>
<<set _dollBimboHair to _pp + "hair/Bimbo_hairfront.png">>
/* Bust Size */
<<set _dollBust to _pp + "chest/" + $player.bSize + ".png">>
<<switch $player.bSize>>
<<case "Large">>
<<set _bs to "large/">>
<<case "Medium">>
<<set _bs to "med/">>
<<case "Small">>
<<set _bs to "small/">>
<<case "Tiny">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
<<case "Flat">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
<div id="charPort">
/* Draw BG */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _bg + '">'>>
/* Draw Player Base */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _doll + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHead + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHair + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollBust + '">'>>
/* Draw Makeup */
<<if $ > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/makeup/m" + $ + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bra */
<<if $wBra > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/top/" + _bs + $clBra[$wBra].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Top */
<<if not $args[0]>>
<<if $wTop > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/top/" + _bs + $clTop[$wTop].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Neck Accessory, Adjusting for Collar */
<<if $wNeck > 0>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].hasCollar>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + "-collar" + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Head Accessory, Adjusting for Bimbo Hair */
<<if $wHead > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/head/" + $clHead[$wHead].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bimbo Bang if Bimbo */
<<if $player.hairLength is 6>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollBimboHair + '">'>>
<<widget "DisplayCharacterThumb">>
/* Play Gender and Image Directories */
<<set _g to $player.gender>>
<<set _pp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/body/">>
<<set _cp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/clothes/">>
<<set _bg to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "body/bg.png">>
<<set _doll to _pp + "base.png">>
<<set _dollHead to _pp + "head/default.png">>
<<set _dollHair to _pp + "hair/" + $player.hairLength + ".png">>
<<set _dollBimboHair to _pp + "hair/Bimbo_hairfront.png">>
/* Bust Size */
<<set _dollBust to _pp + "chest/" + $player.bSize + ".png">>
<<switch $player.bSize>>
<<case "Large">>
<<set _bs to "large/">>
<<case "Medium">>
<<set _bs to "med/">>
<<case "Small">>
<<set _bs to "small/">>
<<case "Tiny">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
<<case "Flat">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
<div id="charThumb">
/* Draw BG */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _bg + '">'>>
/* Draw Player Base */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _doll + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHead + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHair + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollBust + '">'>>
/* Draw Makeup */
<<if $ > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/makeup/m" + $ + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bra */
<<if $wBra > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/top/" + _bs + $clBra[$wBra].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Top */
<<if not $args[0]>>
<<if $wTop > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/top/" + _bs + $clTop[$wTop].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Neck Accessory, Adjusting for Collar */
<<if $wNeck > 0>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].hasCollar>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + "-collar" + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Head Accessory, Adjusting for Bimbo Hair */
<<if $wHead > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/head/" + $clHead[$wHead].name + '.png">'>>
<<widget "DisplayCharacterSide">>
/* Play Gender and Image Directories */
<<set _g to $player.gender>>
<<set _pp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/body/">>
<<set _cp to "pics/actors/player/" + _g + "/clothes/">>
<<set _doll to _pp + "base.png">>
<<set _dollHead to _pp + "head/default.png">>
<<set _dollHair to _pp + "hair/" + $player.hairLength + ".png">>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isHeels>>
<<set _dollFeet to _pp + "feet_heels.png">>
<<set _dollFeet to _pp + "feet.png">>
/* Bust Size */
<<set _dollBust to _pp + "chest/" + $player.bSize + ".png">>
<<switch $player.bSize>>
<<case "Large">>
<<set _bs to "large/">>
<<case "Medium">>
<<set _bs to "med/">>
<<case "Small">>
<<set _bs to "small/">>
<<case "Tiny">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
<<case "Flat">>
<<set _bs to "flat/">>
/* Crotch Size */
<<set _dollCrotch to _pp + "crotch/" + $player.pSize + ".png">>
<<switch $player.pSize>>
<<case "Large">>
<<set _cs to "large/">>
<<case "Medium">>
<<set _cs to "med/">>
<<case "Small">>
<<set _cs to "med/">>
<<case "Tiny">>
<<set _cs to "med/">>
<<case "None">>
<<set _cs to "flat/">>
<div id="charFullSide">
/* Draw Player Base */
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _doll + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHead + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollHair + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollFeet + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollCrotch + '">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _dollBust + '">'>>
/* Draw Makeup */
<<if $ > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/makeup/m" + $ + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Anal Accessory */
<<if $wAccb > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accb/" + $clAccb[$wAccb].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Vaginal/Penis Accessory if not wearing Underwear, otherwise Draw Underwear */
<<if not $player.isWearingUnderwear or $args[0] is "accf">>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accf/" + $clAccf[$wAccf].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Underwear */
<<if $args[0] isnot "accf">>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/bottom/" + _cs + $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/accf/" + $clAccf[$wAccf].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bra */
<<if $wBra > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/underwear/top/" + _bs + $clBra[$wBra].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Socks, Adjusting for heels */
<<if $wSocks > 0>>
<<if $clShoes[$wShoes].isHeels>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '_heels.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/socks/" + $clSocks[$wSocks].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Shoes */
<<if $args[0] isnot "socks">>
<<if $wShoes > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/shoes/" + $clShoes[$wShoes].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Bottoms */
<<if $args[0] isnot "underwear" and $args[0] isnot "accf" and $args[0] isnot "accb" and $args[0] isnot "socks">>
<<if $wBottom > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/bottom/" + $clBottom[$wBottom].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Top */
<<if not $args[0]>>
<<if $wTop > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/top/" + _bs + $clTop[$wTop].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Neck Accessory, Adjusting for Collar */
<<if $wNeck > 0>>
<<if $clTop[$wTop].hasCollar>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + "-collar" + '.png">'>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/neck/" + _bs + $clNeck[$wNeck].name + '.png">'>>
/* Draw Head Accessory, Adjusting for Bimbo Hair */
<<if $wHead > 0>>
<<= '<img class="pa1" src="' + _cp + "/head/" + $clHead[$wHead].name + '.png">'>>
<table style="width:100%">
<<for _alp=1; _alp<$achievement.length; _alp++>><tr>
<td style="text-align:center">$achievement[_alp].name</td>
<td style="text-align:center"><<if $achievement[_alp].earned>>$achievement[_alp].desc<<else>>??????????????<</if>></td>
<td style="text-align:center"><<if $achievement[_alp].earned>>@@.gain;YES@@<<else>>@@.loss;NO@@<</if>></td>
<<back>><<widget "Batgirls-ApartmentEvents">>\
<<switch $args[0]>>\
''$'s apartment is located in a slightly upscale part of gotham. The doorman watches you closely as you push the button to call the elevator and go to her floor.''
<<case "in">>\
<<img "barbara" "apartment-doors">>\
''You stand before the closed door to Batgirl's Apartment.''
<<if $player.genderi lte 0>>
<<Thought "$ should be home this time of day, and I wouldn't mind hanging out with her and those huge melons she has.">>\
• [[Knock on the door|BatgirlDomRoute]]
<<elseif $batgirl.eventCD > 0>>\
<<Thought "I just saw $, I shouldn't press my luck.">>\
<<Thought "I should check in with $ to see if she needs any help....">>\
• [[Knock on the door|BatgirlSubRoute]]
<<Thought "Maybe this is a bad idea..perhaps I should get going?">>\
• [[Back to the city|Gotham City]] - <<t1>>
<<case "out">>\
<<img "barbara" "apartment-doors">>
''$'s lights are out and you don't hear any movement. She doesn't appear to be at home.''
• [[Back to the city|Gotham City]] - <<t1>>
• [[Back to the city|Gotham City]] - <<t1>>
<<set $player.isFemale to true, $player.gender to "Female", $player.genderType to "female", $player.hasPenis to false>>\
<<set $player.dom to 30>>\
<<SetPronouns "female">>\
<<set $player.staminaMax to 30, $player.stamina to 30>>\
<<set $time.cTime to 4>>\
<<set $ShowImages to false>>\
<<set $game.usePics to false>>\
<<set $john.flag.giveOral to true>>\
<<set $player.genderv to 50>>\
<<set $game.showBar to true>>\
<<set $game.devmode to true, $game.devEventID to 4>>\
[[Night-Events][$c=7]]<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableClothingShow "nd">>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableClothingShow "nd">>
<<back>>''You browse through your selection of bras...''
<<if $game.usePics>>\
<<if $MobileMode>>\
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-3-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter bra>>
<div class="col-1-4">\
<div class="module">\
<<draw_TableBra nd>>
<div class="grid">\
<div class="col-1-3">\
<div class="module">\
<<DisplayCharacter bra>>
<div class="col-2-3">\
<div class="module">\
• [[Go back|Wardrobe]]<<widget "draw_TableClothingChange">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><th>Image</th><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clHead[$wHead].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clHead[$wHead].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">[[Change|Head]]</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clNeck[$wNeck].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clNeck[$wNeck].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<<if not $player.hasCollar>>\
<td style="text-align:center;">[[Change|Neck]]</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">@@.loss;LOCKED@@</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[$wTop].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[$wTop].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">[[Change|Top]]</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBottom[$wBottom].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBottom[$wBottom].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if not $clTop[$wTop].isDress>>[[Change|Bottom]]<<else>>//Wearing Dress//<</if>></td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">[[Change|Underwear]]</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBra[$wBra].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBra[$wBra].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">[[Change|Bra]]</td>
<td>Accessory Front</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clAccf[$wAccf].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clAccf[$wAccf].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<<if not $player.isChastity>>\
<td style="text-align:center;">[[Change|AccessoryFront]]</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">@@.loss;LOCKED@@</td>
<td>Accessory Back</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clAccb[$wAccb].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clAccb[$wAccb].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">[[Change|AccessoryBack]]</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clSocks[$wSocks].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clSocks[$wSocks].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">[[Change|Socks]]</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clShoes[$wShoes].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clShoes[$wShoes].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">[[Change|Shoes]]</td>
<<widget "draw_TableClothingShow">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><th>Image</th><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clHead[$wHead].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clHead[$wHead].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clNeck[$wNeck].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clNeck[$wNeck].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[$wTop].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[$wTop].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBottom[$wBottom].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBottom[$wBottom].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBra[$wBra].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBra[$wBra].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td>Accessory Front</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clAccf[$wAccf].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clAccf[$wAccf].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td>Accessory Back</td>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clAccb[$wAccb].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clAccb[$wAccb].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clSocks[$wSocks].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clSocks[$wSocks].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clShoes[$wShoes].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clShoes[$wShoes].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<<widget "draw_TableHead">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><th>Image</th><</if>>
<<if $clHead[0].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clHead[0].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clHead[0].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clHead[0].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Head]]>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to false>>
<<set $wHead to 0>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to true>>
<<if $clHead[1].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clHead[1].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clHead[1].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clHead[1].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Head]]>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to false>>
<<set $wHead to 1>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to true>>
<<if $clHead[2].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clHead[2].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clHead[2].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clHead[2].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Head]]>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to false>>
<<set $wHead to 2>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to true>>
<<if $clHead[3].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clHead[3].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clHead[3].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clHead[3].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Head]]>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to false>>
<<set $wHead to 3>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to true>>
<<if $clHead[4].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clHead[4].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clHead[4].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clHead[4].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Head]]>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to false>>
<<set $wHead to 4>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to true>>
<<if $clHead[5].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clHead[5].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clHead[5].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clHead[5].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Head]]>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to false>>
<<set $wHead to 5>>
<<set $clHead[$wHead].equipped to true>>
<<widget "draw_TableNeck">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><th>Image</th><</if>>
<<if $clNeck[0].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clNeck[0].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clNeck[0].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clNeck[0].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Neck]]>>
<<set $clNeck[$wNeck].equipped to false>>
<<set $wNeck to 0>>
<<set $clNeck[$wNeck].equipped to true>>
<<if $clNeck[1].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clNeck[1].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clNeck[1].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clNeck[1].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Neck]]>>
<<set $clNeck[$wNeck].equipped to false>>
<<set $wNeck to 1>>
<<set $clNeck[$wNeck].equipped to true>>
<<if $clNeck[3].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clNeck[3].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clNeck[3].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clNeck[3].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Neck]]>>
<<set $clNeck[$wNeck].equipped to false>>
<<set $wNeck to 3>>
<<set $clNeck[$wNeck].equipped to true>>
<<if $clNeck[2].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clNeck[2].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clNeck[2].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clNeck[2].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Neck]]>>
<<set $clNeck[$wNeck].equipped to false>>
<<set $wNeck to 2>>
<<set $clNeck[$wNeck].equipped to true>>
<<widget "draw_TableTop">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><th>Image</th><</if>>
<<if $clTop[0].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[0].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[0].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clTop[0].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Top]]>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to false>>
<<set $wTop to 0>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to true>>
<<if $clTop[1].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[1].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[1].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clTop[1].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Top]]>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to false>>
<<set $wTop to 1>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to true>>
<<if $clTop[2].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[2].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[2].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clTop[2].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Top]]>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to false>>
<<set $wTop to 2>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to true>>
<<if $clTop[3].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[3].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[3].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clTop[3].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Top]]>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to false>>
<<set $wTop to 3>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to true>>
<<if $clTop[4].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[4].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[4].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clTop[4].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Top]]>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to false>>
<<set $wTop to 4>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to true>>
<<if $clTop[5].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[5].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[5].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clTop[5].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Top]]>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to false>>
<<set $wTop to 5>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to true>>
<<if $clTop[6].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[6].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[6].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clTop[6].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Top]]>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to false>>
<<set $wTop to 6>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to true>>
<<if $clTop[7].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clTop[7].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clTop[7].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clTop[7].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Top]]>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to false>>
<<set $wTop to 7>>
<<set $clTop[$wTop].equipped to true>>
<<widget "draw_TableBottom">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><th>Image</th><</if>>
<<if $clBottom[0].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBottom[0].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBottom[0].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBottom[0].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bottom]]>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBottom to 0>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to true>>
<<if $clBottom[1].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBottom[1].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBottom[1].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBottom[1].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bottom]]>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBottom to 1>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to true>>
<<if $clBottom[2].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBottom[2].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBottom[2].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBottom[2].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bottom]]>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBottom to 2>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to true>>
<<if $clBottom[3].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBottom[3].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBottom[3].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBottom[3].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bottom]]>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBottom to 3>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to true>>
<<if $clBottom[4].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBottom[4].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBottom[4].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBottom[4].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bottom]]>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBottom to 4>>
<<set $clBottom[$wBottom].equipped to true>>
<<widget "draw_TableUnderwear">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><th>Image</th><</if>>
<<if $clUnderwear[0].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clUnderwear[0].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clUnderwear[0].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clUnderwear[0].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Underwear]]>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to false>>
<<set $wUnderwear to 0>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to true>>
<<if $clUnderwear[1].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clUnderwear[1].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clUnderwear[1].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clUnderwear[1].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Underwear]]>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to false>>
<<set $wUnderwear to 1>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to true>>
<<if $clUnderwear[2].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clUnderwear[2].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clUnderwear[2].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clUnderwear[2].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Underwear]]>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to false>>
<<set $wUnderwear to 2>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to true>>
<<if $clUnderwear[3].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clUnderwear[3].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clUnderwear[3].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clUnderwear[3].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Underwear]]>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to false>>
<<set $wUnderwear to 3>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to true>>
<<if $clUnderwear[4].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clUnderwear[4].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clUnderwear[4].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clUnderwear[4].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Underwear]]>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to false>>
<<set $wUnderwear to 4>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to true>>
<<if $clUnderwear[5].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clUnderwear[5].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clUnderwear[5].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clUnderwear[5].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Underwear]]>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to false>>
<<set $wUnderwear to 5>>
<<set $clUnderwear[$wUnderwear].equipped to true>>
<<widget "draw_TableBra">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><th>Image</th><</if>>
<<if $clBra[0].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBra[0].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBra[0].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBra[0].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bra]]>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBra to 0>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to true>>
<<if $clBra[1].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBra[1].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBra[1].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBra[1].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bra]]>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBra to 1>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to true>>
<<if $clBra[2].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBra[2].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBra[2].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBra[2].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bra]]>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBra to 2>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to true>>
<<if $clBra[3].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBra[3].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBra[3].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBra[3].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bra]]>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBra to 3>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to true>>
<<if $clBra[4].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clBra[4].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clBra[4].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clBra[4].equipped>>\
<<link [[Wear|Bra]]>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to false>>
<<set $wBra to 4>>
<<set $clBra[$wBra].equipped to true>>
<<widget "draw_TableAccf">>\
<<if $player.isChastity>>\;The <<accf>> you're wearing cannot be removed.@@
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><th>Image</th><</if>>
<<if $clAccf[0].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clAccf[0].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clAccf[0].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clAccf[0].equipped>>\
<<elseif $player.isChastity>>\
@@.loss;Locked in Chastity@@
<<link [[Wear|AccessoryFront]]>>
<<set $clAccf[$wAccf].equipped to false>>
<<set $wAccf to 0>>
<<set $clAccf[$wAccf].equipped to true>>
<<if $clAccf[1].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clAccf[1].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clAccf[1].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clAccf[1].equipped>>\
<<elseif $player.isChastity>>\
@@.loss;Locked in Chastity@@
<<elseif $player.hasPenis>>\
@@.loss;Requires a Vagina@@
<<link [[Wear|AccessoryFront]]>>
<<set $clAccf[$wAccf].equipped to false>>
<<set $wAccf to 1>>
<<set $clAccf[$wAccf].equipped to true>>
<<if $clAccf[2].unlocked>>\<tr>
<td style="text-align:center;">$clAccf[2].name</td>
<<if $ShowImages and not $args[0]>><td style="width:100px;">@@.thumb;[img['pics/clothes/'+$clAccf[2].name+'.jpg']]@@</td><</if>>
<td style="text-align:center;"><<if $clAccf[2].equipped>>